Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What is the best diet plan? Develop quick dinner ideas here ...

What is the best diet plan? Develop quick dinner ideas here.If you?d like to get better results in the next 30 days or less, learn how to quickly and easily create delicious meal plans in just 14 minutes and turn heads when people see the new lean physique you?ve developed, then this will be the most important letter you?ll ever read.

Here?s why: You have surely wasted hours upon hours attempting to create meal guidelines for yourself and followed diet after diet, only to find the plans need to be tweaked so you continue to progress toward your goals. And then, you hit another plateau?again, more diets and again more plateaus. Or sitting around wondering what the best diet plan really is. We know you are tired of looking for healthy weight loss eating plans and quick dinner ideas that are easy to follow and modify as you make progress. That?s exactly why we created Meal Plans 101?to save time, improve your success, and ultimately have you reach your bodyweight goals faster.

Now, I know you?re probably skeptical. That?s normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons why we can back up what we claim:

Reason one: Major corporations seek out Dr. Chris Mohr for his knowledge and expertise. Discovery Health comes to him because they consider him one of the best in the industry. Dr. Mohr consulted with LL Cool J on his latest book, Platinum Workout, which is now a NY Times Bestseller! He has written over 500 articles for magazines, such as Men?s Health, Weight Watchers, Fitness, and more. Men?s Fitness sought out Chris to be on their Sports Nutrition Advisor. Do you think this was all by coincidence?

Reason two: Jayson has an extensive background in weight management, he also has experience in sports nutrition and supplementation. Jayson has counseled hundreds of individuals ranging from professional athletes all the way down to the obese child. He has published articles on various topics and has consulted with companies, professional teams. Knowing the importance of physiology as it relates to nutrition Jayson?s specialty is working with individuals and getting their nutrition plan as well as their exercise plan set up so that they not only have an effective individualized plan to meet their goals, but they have a mindset that will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Reason three: Our meal planning solution is the program of choice for some of the top health and fitness professionals in the world. Pros like Dr. John Berardi, creator of Precision Nutrition and author of The Metabolism Advantage, Craig Ballantyne, Men?s Fitness columnist and creator of Turbulence Training and literally dozens of other trainers, nutritionists and health educators rave about our meal planning software and depend on it to help their own clients to get better results?.

Meal Plans 101 is a great software tool for planning general dietary intake. If you?ve struggled with deciding how many calories you need and how to generate a meal plan based on these needs, Meal Plans 101 can help.

Dr John Berardi Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Texas President, Precision Nutrition

"For the past year, I?ve trusted Dr. Chris Mohr with handling the Nutrition Guidelines for my best-selling fat loss program because when it comes to getting results, I have no choice but to go with the best. That?s why I chose Chris. And now that he and Jayson have put together MealPlans101, I now have another top-notch resource to use with clients. This ensures that my fat loss program will stay at the top of the fitness game, because it is powered by research-backed, experience-proven nutrition help."

Meal Plans 101 is a culmination of two dietitians tired of the endless, generic, "one size fits all" type of diets that are supposed to meet everyone?s needs. As well as the endless calorie counting of foods that only leads to frustration and failed goals. We were tired of everyone telling us that they don?t have time to count calories and that every diet book that they read has a generic eating plan, but it isn?t individualized to their needs and goals. Leading to frustrations and more money spent on the next diet book.

We were just finally fed up with the "one size fits all" nutrition programs and have used our combined 21 years of experience to create software that allows you to individualize your meal plans to fit your needs and goals. The reason being is that individualization gets results.

You choose the ratio that works best for you ? high carbs, low carbs, medium carbs ? it doesn?t matter. Customize your meal plan regardless of what diet you are on? Zone, Abs, Low Fat, High Protein, etc, etc. It doesn?t matter which plan you are on, this software complements it perfectly..

You will be leaner, clothes will fit better and people will ask what you have been doing to look so good

Having the ability to change your meal plans is one of the keys to losing fat. Your body changes its calorie needs as your body weight changes. You need to adjust your meal plans accordingly to continue to progress and avoid plateaus. Meal Plans 101 makes this simple!

4) Choose from 13,339 food options to create limitless options for delicious and thoroughly enjoyable meals that you will actually eat!

5) Pinpoint your exact calorie requirements by entering your specific data (height, weight, gender, etc) and choosing from 94 different exercise categories.

There is no more guess work ? individualization is the key to you reaching your body image goals. No single diet will work for everyone and that is why the cookie cutter meal plans you read in books will only work for a small percentage of people. We are as tired of the cookie cutter diets as you and that is why Meal Plans 101 allows you to individualize your meal plan to meet your individual needs.

Here?s The Deal ? Meal Plans 101 Does The Dirty Work For You To Take The Guesswork Out Of Your Nutrition And You Provide The Discipline With? Read?more?


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