Monday, May 23, 2011

The dispersion of DNA ? Growth in natural adaptation

The nature of the earth that began billions of years ago is biologists. Scientists have the history of the species over hundreds of millions of years examining the fossil was found that older fossils of bacteria recorded 3500000000 years old. occurred in the process of evolution in big leaps of time and environmental change has also show that the local environment plays a significant role in the natural process of evolution happened.

1.The first assumption in the evolutionary process has been done millions of years back. The great civilizations such as Greek, and most Islamic contributed greatly to know the process of evolution. Environmental issues and the struggle for survival are the reason for the biotransformation in the opinion of some.

"Natural Selection" Darwin's theory was proposed in mid-1800, supports the world in English.

Many theories of evolutionto be transmitted. E 'likely that the mutation and adaptation can occur by various natural processes.

2. The processes of mutation affected the villages

Local Environment, Nature and other bodies such as bacteria and virus controls the growth of cellular organisms. mobile hardware such as physical chemical structure of a cell is sometimes modified by environmental factors. If this change is called hereditary mutation. Four examplesMutation are:

Epigletic mutation:

Environmental factors such as the presence of chemical warfare agents in the embryo sometimes changes histone proteins that support DNA.

Horizontal gene transfer:

Some single cell bacteria and exports mobile segment of DNA (phage), which is in the air. In this process of foreign genes are integrated into a new host cell.

Modification of DNA replication:

UV radiation and certain chemicals (mutagens)Mutation during DNA replication before mitosis and meiosis influence.

Chromosomal crossover:

Sometimes chromosomes (won by matching pairs of chromosomes each parent) connected together to form gamette crossover, the combined traffic of many genes, an egg or sperm cell. This process is dependent on the environmental factor.

3. Mutation adaptation (adaptation spontaneous):

Adaptive immune system:

The adaptation is correlated with the mutation,perhaps its immediate consequence. Infections (environmental factor) triggers lymphocyte to a state of hyper-mutation and genetic recombination in force.

Stress-induced mutation:

Cells of some unicellular organisms under increased frequency of mutations and accelerate the adaptation to a hostile environment such as stress.

Gene duplication:

duplicated section of DNA in sperm or ova to be used less often in interaction with mutagens.

4. An evaluation of theDarwin's theory

Mutation is not found, an adjustment that later through a process of selection in the generation, if the environment is related harmful. A critical view of biological cells as a complex configuration of the chemical reaction that a mistake.


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