Monday, May 30, 2011

Ant Control

Many people who enjoy life in the Pacific Northwest rarely think about pest control problems. With the absence of serious termite issues or a multitude of poisonous pests, Ant Control is thought of as something that any novice can do with a simple trip to the home improvement store. Pest control companies however, will tell you a different story. Day after day they see homes where pests such as rats, mice, carpenter ants and bed begs have done thousands of dollars in monetary damage. ?The ignorance of the consumer is really what costs them the most money? says Bill Sanders, general manager of Green Choice Pest Control. ?Of the hundreds of dollars spent in home remedies, a free inspection from one of the many companies in this area could nip many of these issues in the bud? he continues. It?s said that an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In the Portland pest control market that saying seems to ring truer than ever.

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