Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shawn Phillips - Fitness Business Interviews

Here is the 3rd installment of the Shawn Phillips Performance Nutrition Industry Interview?.

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If you haven?t seen part 1 or part 2 then click the links below. But make sure you come back and watch this final part.

Shawn Phillips Performance Nutrition Industry Interview

Shawn Phillips Role In Creating The Performance Nutrition Industry ? Part 2.

Shawn Phillips Performance NutritionIn the third part of Shawn?s interview is where he really opens up and shares the big picture stuff. All kinds of amazing things from what his definition of success is to some of the things he is struggling with.

You?ll get to see some incredible pictures of what he is really trying to do not only for himself but for the industry.

And when he does something, he does it BIG.

You will see why when you watch this.

But you?ll also get to see some of the things that haven?t worked so well for him.

That?s right? Failures.

He goes through a whole list of things that didn?t work, or what he could have done better. This is pretty interesting stuff.

Speaking of big picture stuff, here is Shawn?s take on what it?s like if you want to run your own non-profit organization.

? You know the thing I think about non-profits is you gotta be awful damn serious because of all the legalities of it, and the way they have to be managed, and the responsibility. Because you take on a hell of a responsibility with it.

You hear people sometimes running reasonably sized non-profits that just screw up some of the paperwork and land their ass in jail.

I think there?s a lot of ways to run charitable events and charitable activities. It?s like Bill my brother. He?s supported the Make A Wish Foundation. So he?s not running his own non-profit, but he?s the single largest contributor to make a wish in it?s history.

So you don?t have to have your own non-profit.?

Shawn Phillips Performance Nutrition Interview Highlights

  • How he markets Full Strength.
  • Who he has on board promoting the product.
  • What the 14 day re-boot is.
  • What the Coalition For Strength is.
  • Why he is in the nutrition shake business.
  • Why Shawn goes after big ideas.
  • What ?Lift The World Day? is.
  • What Shawn?s advice is on doing your own non-profit organization.
  • What Shawn?s definition of success is.
  • How your definition of success determines your level of success.
  • What Shawn is struggling with right now.
  • What are some of his biggest failures.
  • Why Shawn had a Jerry Maguire moment.
  • How Shawn will convince you to follow your passion.
  • How you live your life from the position of strength.

Oh, and during one section of the interview he talks about having a ?Jerry Maguire Moment.? I don?t want to reveal the details here (gotta watch the interview for that), but you can check out what that moment lead to by looking at his my life shattered open blog post.

And this post from Shawn is one of the best I?ve seen on a blog in a long time. It is something that I thought you would enjoy :)

And when your done checking out the interview just let me know what you thought about this interview series with Shawn Phillips in the comments below.


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