Saturday, May 21, 2011

German crime drops to record low - The Local

Published: 21 May 11 11:27 CET

The number of crimes recorded in Germany in 2010 hit its lowest level since records began being compiled two decades ago for the reunified country, the government said on Friday.

A total of 5.9 million crimes were registered with the police in 2010, down two percent from 2009, while the rate of crimes solved also hit a record high of 56 percent, the interior ministry said.

Despite a nine-percent drop in violent crimes committed by 14 to 18-year-olds, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich warned against complacency following a string of high-profile recent incidents in Berlin and Munich.

"Between 1993 and 2008 youth violent crime doubled, so the falls seen in the past two years are coming down from a high level," he said in a statement.

East and West Germany became one country in 1990 and combined crime statistics began being compiled three years later.


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Photo: DPA

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