Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Use Video for Your Internet Marketing | Business 2 Community

The internet has become an amazing outlet for marketing, especially with the use of social media. What really makes all of this possible is the ease in?which?you can share marketing materials such as photos, infographics, and videos, the latter of which plays a big role in optimizing your site for search engines. Google give high rankings to sites that utilize video, and the more that you can incorporate into your efforts, the better your site will rank and get traffic. The one thing you must remember is that you have to utilize video properly versus creating a contrived piece that is out of place. Properly used video can?create?great results for your company to connect t your audience.

Viral Videos

This is maybe the most commonly used form for videos. What is important about creating videos for viral sharing is that it must be something planned out well. The misconception is that videos are a cure-all for marketing purposes. The fact is, it is important to make sure video is the best avenue for your message. For instance, don?t start with the idea of making a video, and then find your message, but instead find your topic and see if it i best conveyed in a visual medium. Once you have these made, you must properly utilize your social channels to get the video out there. There more shares you get, the more traffic you can get back to your site. Not to mention, if you can self host the video, you can get huge SEO benefits as the video gets shared.


Video podcasts has become another tool that can help your marketing efforts. This isn?t used the same way as a viral video, therefore should be used differently. Podcasts are great ways to keep your audience up to date with your company, and should be used almost like a news update. These will most likely not go viral, but you can really engage your audience and keep them up to date with your operations. What is most effective about video podcasts is there growing popularity and their ease to make. No intricate equipment is used, and most computers already have webcams built in. You do, however, have the option to make it more intricate, but it?s not really necessary to get the benefits.

Video Testimonials

This is something that is a nice twist on an old tactic. What people like to know about your company is how your serve your customers. Historically, people write reviews for companies, but with cheap, easy to use video tools, you can have satisfied customers create a short message about what you provided for them. This gives a more intimiate connection, as potential clients can see the client talk about you, not just words they wrote down. By being able to see the customers, a more intimate connection is made to the testimony they are giving. With the low overhead and ease to create, these are great uses of videos for use on your blog, website, etc.

So these are the best methods for video marketing. The internet has made video sharing extremely easy, and the potential customers you can reach is huge. Not only are you able to increase traffic with good videos, but if used correctly, you?ll become more relevant to search engines. Connecting with customers on this level is a big boost to your marketing efforts, and can really get you good results. It?s not hard to have good video campaigns, but it does take a strong effort.


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