Friday, September 7, 2012

Dilbert Making a Good Case For Buying an Android Phone Over the New iPhone

?I prefer hearing Apple fans talk about how great their products are than Android fans talk about how bad Apple products are. ?


One of these things is not like the other..

Of course you will prefer the positive vs. the negative. You?d probably prefer hearing Android fans talk about how great their devices are than hearing Apple fans talk about how bad Android products are?

Not a very telling statement, either way.

?They don?t do quite as much bashing-the-other-side as we do.?

That?s hilarious. On Droid-life, you may be correct (It?s an Android site, ffs?). Elsewhere on the Net? Not so much. Make *one* comment on a site like BetaNews, for example, about anything Android and you will burn in an effigy of the purest hate once the Apple fanboys set their teeth in you.

It all depends on your own bias and where you happen to be reading.


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