Sunday, September 16, 2012

How does comprehensive insurance on your car work? ? eXtended ...

When you are new with auto insurance, you might be new to the type of coverage as well. You should consider that there are three main types of coverage and one of them is comprehensive coverage. What is comprehensive auto insurance and how does it work?

A comprehensive auto policy will cover scenarios that damage your car aside from collision. This include unforeseen factors or calamities such as storm, typhoon, tornadoes and so on. This also involves vandalism, theft and many more. Basically, it is the auto insurance policy that protects your car when it is not driven or mobile and during certain conditions of accidents (totaled). With such insurance policy, you will be able to leave your car at ease. There are many instances you will need comprehensive auto insurance. However, bear in mind that the car insurance company has the last say on what they cover or not. So it is wise to look for auto insurance company that offers good coverage.

When your car is totaled

If your car is totaled, the comprehensive coverage will be able to reimburse you the book value of your vehicle. Without this type of insurance, you will receive nothing, especially if the accident to be your fault.


One common condition in the United States is when a house gets involved with a fire and the car is involved. This insurance policy covers the fees and replacement.


Everyone hates vandalism and there is not hold for this especially if you just park your car publicly. This coverage will easily help you with the repairs and clean ups of your car.


The chances of getting your car stolen are high if you have luxury cars. Most owners enroll their luxury cars with comprehensive coverage. Also, anti-theft alarms and other security measures may not be enough to keep your car off thefts.


The top disasters that may cause damage to cars are storms, hurricanes and tornadoes.

Acts of God

Think about a tree falling on your car.

You may protect your car for any of these instances. Learn more about it with your auto insurance company.


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