Friday, September 21, 2012

Unaware of pregnancy, British soldier has baby in Afghanistan


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Should Books Be Priced According to Their Length? | Michael Hyatt

When I was in the publishing business, the sales staff often wanted to correlate a book?s length with its value. They believed that books with more pages should be priced higher. Books with fewer pages should be priced lower.

Stack of Books for Sale in a Bookstore - Photo courtesy of ©, Image #15504521

But is this true?Yesterday, I got this e-mail from an unhappy customer about her purchase of Writing a Winning Book Proposal, my e-book for authors:

I felt hugely ripped off by your ?book.? You didn?t say anything I didn?t already know and didn?t address any of the questions I actually had. You used a big font to pad the pages, but your content was truly sparse. No publisher in the country would have published this ?book? and charged $20.

What you wrote was more of a pamphlet and should have been advertised as such. I was totally disillusioned that a Christian man of your caliber and reputation would burn me like that. I know we all have to make a living, but we need to make an honest one.

Let?s set aside her perception of the quality for a minute. If you go to the sales page, you?ll see about 20 endorsements from leading agents and about 1,200 from satisfied customers. These speak for themselves.

Let?s also set aside her charge that I somehow mis-represented the length of the book and was thus dishonest and ripped her off.

  • I explicitly say in the sales copy the book is only 32-pages long. I also say the price is not based on the page count.
  • I offer an unconditional, money-back guarantee with no time limit. All she had to do was ask. (In fact, I volunteered to do this again in my reply to her yesterday.)

The issue I want to focus on is the length.

Personally, I don?t think the value of information products, including books, is in their length. In fact, I could make the case that brevity is a benefit, especially in a world where we are so busy. If I can get what I need in a shorter amount of time, so much the better.

Like you, I have read long books that were worthless and short books that were invaluable. I don?t buy page-count, and I?ll bet you don?t either.

The issue is whether or not the content helps me accomplish my goals and provides a sufficient return on my investment.

Consider the fact that some of the shortest works in history had the greatest value as measured by their long-term impact.

  • The Gettysburg Address is only 256 words long?a little more than a page.
  • The Declaration of Independence is only 1,100 words long?about four pages.
  • The Sermon on the Mount is about 2,500 words long?about eleven pages.

I?m not equating my e-books to these great historical works. I am simply making the point that there is no necessary correlation between length and value.

When I was first starting in my publishing career, a salty old publisher told me, ?A book should be like a woman?s skirt?long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep it interesting.?

Though sexist by today?s standards, the last half of his counsel is right. When we write or say anything, we should first focus on the message not the length.

Question: Do you think books and other information products should be priced according to length, value, or something else? You can leave a comment by clicking here.


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Direct Sales: 5 Factors Small Businesses Should Consider ...

5 Factors Small Businesses Should Consider about Direct SalesSusan Wilson Solovic is an award-winning entrepreneur and journalist, author of three best-selling books, multi-media personality and contributor to ABC News and other outlets, public speaker and attorney.?AT&T has sponsored the following blog post.

When I was a little girl I couldn?t wait for the Avon lady to visit my mom. She?d always give me little lipstick samples to play with. She?d spend 30 minutes or so showing my mom the latest and greatest products and leave with a nice order. In fact, I still have a collection of Avon Christmas collector plates starting in the 1970s my mom purchased from the Avon lady.

?The small business boom

What I didn?t realize then was that the Avon lady was a small business owner ? an independent consultant for a direct sales company. Direct selling companies like Avon have been around for years, and while most of the economy is shrinking or struggling, this market segment is booming.?

More than 15 million people make a full- or part-time living as independent consultants for a direct selling company. Approximately 74 percent of Americans have purchased a product or service from a direct sales representative. And it?s not just makeup anymore. You can purchase nearly anything through the direct sales distribution channel ? from jewelry and home goods to stun guns and power tools.

Why is the industry doing so well?? People need jobs, and it?s a way to get started in business for yourself without a huge start-up expense.? However, just as with any business, it?s not an instant cash flow machine.

What to consider before jumping in

It takes a strong commitment, hard work and a plan to be successful as a small business owner.? And it?s important to know, not all direct sales companies provide the same opportunities.? So before you decide this business model may be right for you, here are five factors to consider.

1.?Belief in the Product.?? No matter how exciting the business opportunity sounds, if you don?t believe in the product itself, you?ll have a tough time being successful.? The best marketing strategy for any direct sales representative is an almost evangelistic zest.? So don?t jump until you are comfortable that the opportunity is the right fit for you.

2. Instant Success.? Companies that try to entice you with instant success stories and big money should make you nervous.? If something sounds too good to be true, it is. As I noted earlier, it takes a significant effort to build your direct sales business.? You?ll need patience and the dedication to put an action plan together and work the business regularly. To attract independent consultants some companies try to get you all jazzed up about the opportunity and then pressure you to commit on the spot.? Do your homework before you sign on the dotted line.

3.?Established Company. It?s hard to know just how many direct sales companies there are in the market. Many of them frizzle out quickly. So make sure you choose a company with a successful track record. You don?t want to invest your time and energy building your business only to have the company go out of business.

4.?Upfront Fees and Inventory. One of the attractive things about a direct sales business opportunity is that it usually costs very little to get started.? So be wary of a company that requires a significant upfront fee or the purchase of large amounts of inventory. Both are red flags. I recently met a woman who had joined a direct sales company that required an $800 up-front in addition to purchasing inventory in advance ? money she really didn?t have. But she invested in the ?dream.? Sadly, her investment turned out to be for naught.? There are many similar stories, so be cautious and choose wisely.

5.?Success Dependent on Recruitment.? Success with some direct sales companies depends on recruiting other independent consultants.? Your compensation is a reflection of their sales and success. It?s what is known in the industry as a down-line. However, with a solid company you should be able to enjoy success based on your own efforts without building a down-line organization.

?There are people who have made significant amounts of money in the direct sales industry, but there are even more who haven?t been successful.? So a word to the wise: Assess any business opportunity carefully.? There?s no such thing as an overnight success.

?If you found this article interesting, share it with your colleagues using the links below.


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The backyard Hot Dog Grill is very beautiful and very practical, home ...


Brief introduction to the collection Weber grill

That summer, is rapidly display it on the sunny side, people began to barbecue back. For the average person, backyard barbecue parties memories mostly gourmet burgers, the completely charred Hot Dog Grills, cold drinks, and good conversation. Who really put his Barbecue skills, serious people, the more important is the kind of Barbecue, perfect temperature of the meat, the best seasoning meals hand. One of the most popular names in the Barbecue Weber, this article will tell you a little bit of the market, ?Weber grills.

Traditionalist, also known as the love of wood-fired Oven, Ai Weibo anywhere charcoal grill. In all Weber grills where, anytime, anywhere can be the most portable, making it an ideal for people who do not want to go camping, or a barbecue on the beach, their burgers. Its unique design, so lucky chef cook twice as much food in general people can. Because it is very lightweight, and with a simple bracket, roasted security anywhere. Only $ 50, which is not too shabby!

Still, many people prefer propane, Weber grill, which makes it possible for all luxury without having to worry too much about the mess propane Hot Dog Grill. Weber Chong E-330 liquid propane gas grill barbecue chef who has everything, a good choice. Two cutting boards (or shelves), temperature measurement, control, allows you to change the size of the flame and equipped with a grill, you want all the bells and whistles!

Last but not least, the the the gas fans favorite barbecue is just the Weber Spirit E-210. Like many specialized propane or natural gas, ?Weber grills, grilled with extra shelves for cooking, and the knob allows you to raise or lower the temperature. This special grille allows you to get the luxury provided by the Weber grill, in order to get it, without having to spend seven or eight hundred dollars. 400 yuan, the barbecue is affordable, luxurious, and very stylish. It is easy to understand why many professional chefs selected as the own personal the backyard barbecque the spirit.

Now is the summer, everyone already consider the mouthwatering goodies will be served at the backyard barbecue party. A good barbecue party is a great way to show off your cooking skills, your backyard, your charm. This is a favorite way to impress the new neighbors, or with the neighbors said, you do not see in the long-term period of time. If you are looking for a new grill neighbors impressed, this is a great idea, check out some of the most popular on the market, ?Weber grills. After all, if a grill is not good enough chefs, it may become a great barbecue, you too.

Check more information, Weber grill, which one to buy. Here, you will find from existing customers, and links to some of the best prices on the network honest reviews Weber grill.
I said: My name is Pat Burke, for the past 20 years, I have been selling barbecue pits. I can honestly say that Weber grill is the best quality.


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ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: 'Conning Harvard' chronicles a ...

?Conning Harvard? chronicles a student?s deceitful admissionBy Erin O?NeilPublished on Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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Current Harvard University student and managing editor of The Harvard Crimson Julie Zauzmer?s new book ?Conning Harvard? chronicles the deceptive escapades of Harvard student Adam Wheeler.Wheeler, who pleaded guilty to 20 counts of larceny in 2010, faked his way into multiple top-tier schools before he was ultimately discovered mere minutes before he would have received a Rhodes Scholar endorsement. The release of the book also coincides with the present Harvard cheating scandal, in which 125 students taking ?Introduction to Congress? are currently being investigated for wrongly sharing answers on a final exam.As a student reading this book, I initially had no idea the extent to which one could even beat the college application system. I am always concerned with accidental plagiarism and understand the ease of doing so that has accompanied the internet boom. As a result, I naturally expected the culprit to be some kind of tech genius, a programming nerd that somehow managed to outsmart the College Board database and hack into school records.I couldn?t have been more wrong.With the exception of a tantalizing prologue, Zauzmer begins right at the beginning, when Wheeler was just an average high school student, who couldn?t get good enough grades to get into Bowdoin College. He needed strong credentials, and apparently no one ever told him that the books filled with sample exemplary college essays weren?t meant to be copied and pasted directly into the common application. What began with a Bowdoin acceptance would soon snowball into a landslide of faked grades, self-written recommendations and fictitious classes.The incredibly detailed research conducted by Zauzmer exposes an incredible amount of these untruths, however small, and these hidden treasures truly add spice to the meat of the story.The fact that Wheeler?s physics teacher, for instance, did not wear khaki pants, drink coffee or even particularly like Wheeler helps breathe life into what could have been a 200 page-long list of lies.The story of Wheeler?s misdeeds also includes enough social tidbits, supposed dialogue and dramatic syntax to keep the book moving. The books detailed description of the Harvard admissions office ? complete with its shrine to last-ditch-effort gifts that hopeful high school students have sent in over the years ? was particularly enjoyable to read.Zauzmer?s fact-disguised-as-fiction style is mildly reminiscent of novelist Erik Larson?s style, and the book lags only during long-winded explanations of the latest security measures for paper transcripts and the growing business model of, disrupting the urgent and suspenseful pace. I voraciously followed Wheeler as he continually upped the ante with every new application, waiting vindictively for his moment of truth.Even more shocking than Wheeler?s plagiarism and outright lies were the blatant errors that went unnoticed by the admissions office at Harvard. A faked Phillips Academy Andover transcript with wrong classes and the names of Bowdoin professors for references, for instance, was never verified.The College Board student report personally mailed in by Wheeler himself ? featuring 16 perfect scores on AP tests and a perfect mark on the SAT ?? was similarly never looked at with suspicion. During Wheeler?s time at Harvard, not once did a faculty member notice the incorrect crest on his transcript until it was too late.As a peer of Wheeler?s at Harvard, it seems fair that Zauzmer couldn?t resist a few digs here and there while writing about Wheeler?s time at the school. The book is dedicated, for example, to ?all those who uphold Harvard?s standards,? and the book notes somewhat smugly the fact that Wheeler earned a D+ in deductive logic, which was the only class he took in which he was forced to submit his own work, landing him on academic probation.Zauzmer?s discontent with Wheeler is, of course, understandable. Wheeler did, after all, almost get away with a Harvard degree built on everyone?s work but his own. The sting of indignation that I expected Zauzmer to exhume from her research and findings, however, was largely absent. His demise is handled particularly judiciously but nevertheless captures Wheeler?s mental instability and dishonest compulsions as he faced legal action.I read the last pages on Wheeler?s trials with mixed feelings of disgust and begrudging respect. It is the miraculous string of oversights, trust and sheer luck that held my astonished interest through most of the novel.It seems that truth really is stranger than fiction, even when based on lies.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: ?Conning Harvard? chronicles a student?s deceitful admission

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Catalonia International Golf Festival-2012 | Barcelona Golf Special ...

17 September 2012



With average annual temperatures of between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius and over thirty-seven superb golf courses, Catalonia is the ideal golfing destination. This November, golfers from all over Europe will compete in the second edition of the Catalonia International Golf Festival (CIGF) 2012.

This exciting golf festival was launched in the UK & Ireland in April 2011 by Destination Golf Media Ltd and Barcelona Golf, in association with Ag?ncia Catalana de Turisme. Now in its second year, promotion events have taken place in Sweden, Denmark, France, UK and Ireland.

Taking place from Tuesday 20th November to Friday 23rd November, CIGF 2012 will be based in Platja d?Aro, a lively seaside town in the Costa Brava that has been enjoyed by golfing tourists for many years. CIGF 2012 will take place at Emporda Golf Resort, Platja de Pals Golf Club, Club de Golf D?Aro ? Mas Nou.

ABOUT CATALONIA Catalonia is one of seventeen autonomous communities in the Kingdom of Spain. Catalonia itself is divided into four provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona. Often described as one of the most naturally beautiful parts of Europe, Catalonia is bordered by the Alpine peaks and ski resorts of the North, the fruit growing countryside of Aragon to the West, the Valencian municipalities to the South, and by 580km of coastline and the Mediterranean Sea to the East. The main languages are Spanish and Catalan. The Capital of Catalonia is Barcelona, one of the worlds leading tourist, economic and cultural centres and home to the architectural wonders of Gaudi. A giant in European Tourism, Barcelona boasts a vast array of parks, museums, monuments and beaches. To the North lies the province of Girona and the renowned Costa Brava coastline. Here you will fine a rugged coastline of crystal waters and excellent beaches. Tourism has replaced fishing as the main industry, but the small fishing villages that are dotted along the coastline add to its unique charm. The province of Tarragona to the South is rich with historical splendours including medieval walls and the remains of a Roman aqueduct. It is also home to the spectacular Costa Daurada coastline and the main holiday resort of Salou. International Airports in Catalonia are located at Barcelona, Girona (North) and Reus (South).



PARK HOTEL SANT JORGE-PLATJA D?ARO Set in a beautiful part of the Costa Brava, high above two coves filled with crystal-clear water and surrounded by pines framing an immense blue Mediterranean, the Silken Park Hotel San Jorge at Calonge-Platja d?Aro is a modern building with a swimming pool overlooking the sea. The perfect place to enjoy a peaceful holiday or a weekend break, You can combine leisure with a range of sports ? tennis, riding, pathwalking and golf, thanks to the hotel?s location near the main golf courses of the province of Girona .

Direct access to the Bella Dona and Sant Jordi coves and the Cap Roig headland, one of the most emblematic images of the Costa Brava.

EMPORDA GOLF The Empord? Golf Resort is located in beautiful part of the Costa Brava, and enjoys a privileged location beside the best beaches on the Costa Brava. Robert von Hagge, the world renowed articect of over 250 courses, including Doral in Miami, made his stamp at Empord? Golf Resort. At this resort, he has managed to improve an already stellar setting by creating a technically perfect course that allows for a wide variety of swings and techniques. Emporda Golf Resort offers two magnificent courses: Empord? Links meanders among lakes and dunes, and Empord? Forest (where CIGF will be played) winds among Mediterranean pine trees and lakes. Considered one of the best courses in Catalonia, Emporda Golf is also one of the PGA European Tour Qualifying Schools. Emporda Golf has excellent training facilities and has on site a four star hotel giving it its status as Emporda Golf Resort. We are delighted to include this fantastic course in the Itinerary for the Catalonia International Golf Festival 2012.

PLATJA DE PALS GOLF CLUB Platja de Pals Golf Club Golf Club; founded in 1966 and designed by FW Hawtree is situated in the heart of the Costa Brava on the farmland of Arenals de Mar. Built on dunes that are covered by an immense pine forest planted seventy years ago, it truly is a unique piece of land. The course runs parallel with the beautiful white sands of Pals beach and is surrounded by dense green pine forests. It?s unique beauty grabbed the attention of many, and shortly after opening its 18-hole course, it played host to the Spanish International Amateur Championship in 1970, and 2-years later the 1972 Spanish Open?. Platja de Pals Golf course has a four star hotel located between the course itself and the sea and apartments are also available.

CLUB DE GOLF D?ARO ? MAS NOU One of the oldest courses in the Costa Brava is also one of the most admired. Club de Golf d?Aro (or Mas Nou Golf Club) is built 300m high above the resort of ?Platja d?Aro? at the Southern end of the Costa Brava in a spectacular setting with panoramic views of the surrounding coast and landscape. It is an undulating course with water hazards and stategically placed bunkers making it challenging but interesting, an opportunity to use every club in your bag. The course is surrounded by olive trees, pines, oaks and two large artificial lakes. The Club Golf D?Aro ? Mas Nou was designed by architect Ram?n Espinosa. It features a par 72, 18-hole championship course and a 9-hole (Pitch & Putt) course, both of them in the heart of nature and with spectacular views of the Costa Brava, Les Gavarres, Montseny and the Valle de La Selva. It has hosted the European Tour tournaments following: Open the Martini 1990, the Catalonia Open and the 1992 Catalonia Ladies Masters 2006. This will be a superb final course to decide the Catalonia International Golf Festival Champion for 2012.

Recommended Airports for Costa Brava: Barcelona (Girona) ? 20 minute transfer to Official Hotel Barcelona (El Prat) ? 60 minute transfer to Official Hotel.

Airport transfers: Barcelona (Girona) ? No Official Transfer. Players are advised to take a taxi to Official Hotel. Barcelona (El Prat) ? Transfers will be provided from Barcelona (El Prat) on Monday 19th November at a discounted rate, with two different evening departure times. Please contact Official Tour Operator(s) for more details.

Total Price: ?575

(Price includes: Competition Entry Fee; Green fee at Emporda, Platja d?Aro, Golf d?Aro, 4-nights? accommodation in Platja d?Aro; all golf/hotel transfers; Welcome drinks reception, Gala Dinner & Prize Giving) The event is an Open Singles event across 3-day, where anybody with an Official handicap can participate in, but the winners of each of these promotional events has received a sponsors invitation to compete in the golf festival. A player?s two best scores from the three rounds will go forward for prizes, which will be presented at the gala meal on the final night.

PRICE COMMISSIONABLE AT 15% TO IAGTO TOUR OPERATORS & TRAVEL AGENCIES ?Non-golfers welcome, please enquire for details?

Ian Denham, Barcelona Golf (Official Tour Operator ? Bookings & Enquiries) Email:



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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blocking patterns: How global warming might have worsened US drought

Two teams of researchers find that subtle changes brought about by global warming might be amplifying atmospheric blocking patterns, which keep weather conditions in place for a long time.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / September 14, 2012

Drought-damaged corn is seen in a field near Nickerson, Neb., on Aug. 16.

Nati Harnik/AP/File


As the summer of 2012 winds down, with drought and searing temperatures its hallmark for much of the continental United States, researchers are trying to get a better handle on the factors that contribute to the persistence of weather patterns responsible for the extremes.

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The immediate culprit: patterns of atmospheric flow that steer storms along a given path for weeks, heating and depriving some areas of needed rain while drenching others. Such blocking patterns are a global phenomena, a normal component of Earth's weather systems.

But some researchers suggest that global warming's influence on the Arctic and on the tropics can change circulation patterns in ways that keep blocking patterns in place longer than they otherwise might.

For the continental US, blocking has been a byword for much of the year. The first eight months of 2012 have gone into the books as the warmest January-August period on record for the continental US, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. The 12-month span ending in August 2012 was the warmest 12 months on record. The summer itself ranks third among the warmest summers on record.

At the end of August, 62.9 percent of the continental US was experiencing moderate to exceptional drought.

"I can tell you that 2011 and 2012 are shaping up to be ripe for study. It's really been a sustained period of climate extremes up to this point," says John Fasullo, a researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo.

As researchers try to untangle the atmospheric influences behind persistent weather patterns, the Arctic and the tropics have come under increasing scrutiny.

The decline in summer sea ice, which this summer has reached a record low, deprived the Arctic Ocean of much of its reflective coat of white. This leaves more open ocean from which heat escapes back into the atmosphere in fall and winter. This tends to slow the jet stream's wind speeds and stretch its meanders north and south, according to researchers from Rutgers University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Both effects tend to slow the movement of these meanders ? the boundary between warm air from the south and cold Arctic air, and the track storms follow ? as they work their way from west to east across the continent in the fall and winter.

In addition, the researchers show how earlier snow melt in the spring and a later onset of snow in the fall dries out the region, contributing to warmer land temperatures in spring and summer ? and with a similar, if somewhat less-pronounced, effect on the jet stream then.


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Self Improvement ? The Biggest Thing to Avoid | Bemads Blog

The demand for self improvement products has never been higher in modern times. The self help/personal development industry is a billion dollar industry. Just go to any bookstore and you will see rows upon rows of self improvement books. It?s like every other week there is a new book from a new success guru. Similarly, there are plenty of audio programmes, videos, seminars and courses on a variety of self improvement categories. Despite the relatively high price to purchase these seminars & courses, the demand is still as great as ever.

It?s common to hear stories of successful individuals reading tons of self improvement books, attending numerous courses, and basically filling their brains with anything that can help them improve and succeed. Continually engulfing oneself in personal development material can help keep the momentum of constant improvement and success.

Though great as it is, there is always a danger of overdoing it. Like everything else in life, balance is needed. For every self improvement enthusiasts out there, there is the possibility of falling into the trap of using self improvement to gain hope rather than actual results.

Have you ever known or heard of someone who reads book after book, attends seminar after seminar and keeps seeking the latest ?success secret? but are never able to generate all that into external success? Despite not having success, these people keep doing the same thing, maintaining their belief in the self improvement movement.

If what they had learned did not bring big changes, they go on reading more books, attending other seminars, and continue to seek the secret ingredient which they believe will transform their lives.

And in the end, they do this all their lives without actually getting any of the success that was promised in the books/seminars/courses.

Because they are unhappy and want to change various aspects of their lives, people turn to self improvement ? as it promises of the possibility of making changes. But this turning to self improvement can become like an addiction, like a drug.

Here?s an example. When things aren?t going well, you buy a book which promises it can teach you how to turn things around quickly. You start to think ?Yeah, if I learn this stuff everything will be fine?. So now you got some hope. For the next 3 months you immerse yourself in the book. But then nothing much changed. So you start feeling depressed again, until you see an ad for a success course which promises to change your life. Then you feel great again, you?re optimistic for the future. But 6 months after attending the course things are still the same. You feel down again?until you see another big thing that promises the same results?. And this can go on and on.

Unknowingly to many self improvement enthusiasts, when they do this they are just using self improvement to buy themselves hope for a better future. This continually puts their focus on solving problems in the future, rather than facing the issues head on right now. This keeps them dreaming of a wonderful future, and makes living in the present more bearable. Putting it another way, they are using self improvement to keep themselves in a dreamland of a wonderful future, and forgets to take action to deal with the reality of the current situation.

Truth is most of the teachings and techniques out there are really works. If you have been through various personal development teachings, you will realize that most are preaching similar things. The reason why some people succeed and others do not is because apart from the techniques and philosophy learned, to succeed you need passion, willpower, discipline, and a single mindedness & burning desire to achieve.

So before you start looking for a new book, a new course or get involved in something new, ask yourself ?Do I have the burning desire to succeed? Did I master what I learned and am I using it everyday? Am I using self improvement to buy hope rather than really improve myself??

Make sure that you do not fall into the addiction of buying hope from self improvement.

Copyright (c) Ethan Beh

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Inspector faults 14 Justice employees, clears Holder in gun probe

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department's internal watchdog faulted 14 federal employees on Wednesday for the botched anti-gun-trafficking effort known as "Operation Fast and Furious," prompting two senior officials to leave the government but clearing Attorney General Eric Holder of any wrongdoing.

Congressional Republicans during a series of hearings investigating the failed operation sharply criticized Holder, the nation's top law-enforcement official appointed by President Barack Obama, during this year's presidential campaign. One U.S. agent was killed in Arizona, potentially in connection with the operation.

The new report from the department's Inspector General found screw-ups of "systemic" scope that risked public safety but found no cover-up, as charged by Republicans.

That, and a statement supportive of the report from Holder's main Republican accuser, Representative Darrell Issa, seems likely to defuse what could have been a politically explosive conclusion to the probe.

Two senior department officials left the government as the report was made public. Kenneth Melson, former head of the U.S. agency that enforces gun laws, retired, while Jason Weinstein, responsible for oversight of many criminal-related matters, resigned.

The highest official to be criticized, Lanny Breuer, the assistant attorney general in charge of criminal prosecutions, has been "admonished," said a department official.

The book-length, 471-page report is the most in-depth look yet at Operation Fast and Furious. It follows a 19-month review by the department watchdog that had access to non-public documents.

Fast and Furious began in 2009 as an effort to stop the flow of firearms from Arizona to Mexican drug cartels. As U.S. agents tried to build an expansive case, they did not pursue low-level gun buyers who bought about 2,000 potentially illegal firearms and trafficked many of them across the border.

The report said that Melson and Weinstein failed to ask detailed questions about the tactics in Fast and Furious, allowing the operation to go on in 2010 when they could have stopped it, the report said.


Melson said in a statement that he disagrees with parts of the report that he called "speculative assumptions, conclusions and characterizations," but he added, "I was ultimately responsible for the actions of each employee."

Melson was pushed out in August 2011 as acting director of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and recently worked on forensic policy for the department.

Weinstein wrote in a blistering resignation letter that the inspector general's conclusion about him is "completely false."

"For me to have done this would have run counter to the entire body of work I compiled during the past 15 years," Weinstein wrote, adding that he was singled out for blame because of politicized congressional hearings.

Weinstein's boss, Breuer, was among those the inspector general recommends for potential internal discipline.

Breuer should have alerted his superiors, including Holder, in 2010 to flaws in a program similar to Fast and Furious that was started during George W. Bush's presidency. Breuer said in a congressional hearing in 2011 that not doing so "was a mistake" and that he had regrets.

The 12 officials, including Gary Grindler, a former deputy attorney general who is now Holder's chief of staff, could face a wide range of discipline or none at all, depending on the judgment of Justice Department and ATF authorities.

But at Justice headquarters at least, no further personnel shake-ups are expected, one department official said.


Holder pointed to the inspector general's report, which he requested in February 2011, as vindication that he knew nothing of the operation's tactics and did not try to cover them up.

"It is unfortunate that some were so quick to make baseless accusations before they possessed the facts about these operations - accusations that turned out to be without foundation and that have caused a great deal of unnecessary harm and confusion," he said in a statement.

He praised the newly departed officials, saying Weinstein had "unwavering" commitment to the Justice Department.

In a rare show of agreement, Issa, the Republican who has led a congressional inquiry into Fast and Furious, also found reason to praise the inspector general's report. Issa said it confirms the operation's "near total disregard for public safety."

"It's time for President Obama to step in and provide accountability for officials at both the Department of Justice and ATF who failed to do their jobs," Issa said in a statement.

Fast and Furious came to light after the December 2010 shooting death of a U.S. Border Patrol agent, Brian Terry. Two guns that firearms agents attempted to track were found at the scene of Terry's death in rural Arizona.

The operation raised the fury of U.S. gun-rights advocates, who helped to drive attention in Congress and the media.

(Reporting by David Ingram; Editing by Will Dunham, Philip Barbara and Fred Barbash)


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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Judge holds off order to end Chicago teacher strike

Sitthixay Ditthavong / AP

Chicago Teachers Union delegates arrive for a meeting Sunday in which they are expected to review a proposed contract and vote whether to suspend the week-long strike.


Updated at 1:15 p.m. ET: A Cook County Circuit Court judge on Monday declined a request to hold a same-day hearing for an injunction to immediately end Chicago's teacher strike.

During a short meeting, Judge Peter Flynn postponed the requested hearing until Wednesday, city law department spokesman Roderick Drew said. That comes after the Chicago Teachers Union's delegates are scheduled to meet and vote on a proposed contract.

Earlier in the day, Mayor Rahm Emanuel ordered a 700-page injunction request be filed to get kids and teachers back in class. It seeks a temporary restraining order and asks a judge to immediately end the strike. The complaint states the strike is illegal because it's based on non-economic issues and because it presents a "clear and present danger to public health and safety."

View for more coverage on the Chicago strike

The move came after union delegates on Sunday deferred their vote to end the strike and asked for more time to review a proposed teachers' contract drafted by school officials and the CTU.?

"I will not stand by while the children of Chicago are played as pawns in an internal dispute within a union," Emanuel said Sunday in a statement. "This was a strike of choice and now a delay of choice that is wrong for our children."?

John Gress

Chicago Teachers Union members leave a House of Delegates meeting on the seventh day of their strike in Chicago, September 16, 2012.

"This continued action by union leadership is illegal on two grounds," Emanuel said. "It is over issues that are deemed by state law to be non-strikable, and it endangers the health and safety of our children."

Union officials released a statement Monday calling Emanuel?s complaint "vindictive."

?CPS? spur-of-the-moment decision to seek injunctive relief some six days later appears to be a vindictive act instigated by the mayor.?This attempt to thwart our democratic process is consistent with Mayor Emanuel?s bullying behavior toward public school educators,? said the union in a statement. ?As teachers, paraprofessionals and clinicians continue to fight to make our city?s public schools stronger, the mayor, CEO Brizard and members of the board want to trample our collective bargaining rights and hinder our freedom of speech and right to protest.?

Union delegates aren't scheduled to meet again until Tuesday out of respect for the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah, which began at sundown Sunday.

More than 26,000 teachers and staff walked out last Monday, leaving more than 350,000 students unattended. For five days, thousands of teachers picketed outside schools and twice converged on the Board of Education headquarters downtown.

'Not happy'
In earlier developments, delegates from the Chicago Teachers Union told their bargaining team Sunday that they want to meet with the schools they represent before making a decision about whether to end their strike.

"They?re not happy with the agreement and would like it to be a lot better for us than it is," Union President Karen Lewis said in a news briefing Sunday evening, adding that they are returning to their schools with the proposal because they do not want to feel rushed to make a decision.

A union bargaining team and city officials had hammered out a proposed contract that would move away from merit pay and allow teachers to appeal their evaluations.?

A faction of the union sees it as a "back room deal" that does not have unified support. A source close to the union told NBC Chicago that Lewis' caucus shouted obscenities at her and other leaders late Saturday night, saying, "You sold out" and, "Rahm's getting everything they wanted, what the hell did we get?"???

Lewis, exhausted from a tense week, indicated that she's done negotiating and asked "Will my own caucus defy me?"

Sitthixay Ditthavong / AP

Public school teachers rallying at Chicago's Congress Plaza protest against billionaire Hyatt Hotel mogul Penny Pritzker, who is also a member of the Chicago Board of Education on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012.


At the heart of those who oppose this new deal -- they feel the negotiating team did not fight for paraprofessionals and special education teachers and students.

Some delegates shouted at Lewis there is "no way to vote on something we haven't seen."

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Teachers revolted last week against sweeping education reforms sought by Emanuel, especially evaluating teachers based on the standardized test scores of their students. They also fear a wave of neighborhood school closings that could result in mass teacher layoffs. They want a guarantee that laid-off teachers will be recalled for other jobs in the district.

"They're still not happy with the evaluations. They're not happy with the recall (provision)," Lewis said of delegates.?

Still, Lewis seemed energized in a statement Saturday night, buoyed by the agreement, which came after a weeklong strike that began on Sept. 10.

"This union has proven the Chicago labor movement is neither dormant nor dead,"?Lewis said in a statement on the union?s blog late on Saturday. "We have solidified our political power and captured the imagination of the nation. No one will ever look upon a teacher and think of him or her as a passive, person to be bullied and walked on ever again."

Emanuel's chief negotiator, School Board President David Vitale, said the union should allow children to go back to school while the two sides complete the process.

"We've done as much as we know how to do," Vitale said. "We reached an agreement with their leadership, we think it's a good agreement. It's time for the teachers to get back in school."

The contract includes what Lewis called victories for the 29,000 union members, which she outlined on the union?s website:??

As the Chicago teachers strike enters its second week, Mayor Rahm Emanuel hopes to get students back into schools by heading to court. City lawyers are seeking an injunction to force teachers back into the classroom as soon as possible.


?The teachers union wants a three-year contract that guarantees a 3-percent increase the first year and 2-percent increases for the second and third years. The contract also includes the possibility of being extended a fourth year with a 3-percent raise. A first-year teacher earns about $49,000,?according to the National Council on Teacher Quality; the highest-paid teacher earns $92,227.

Chicago Public Schools would move away from merit pay for individual teachers.

EVALUATION:?Teachers would be evaluated 70 percent in terms of how they teach (?teacher practice?) and 30 percent in terms of how their students improve (?student growth?). Evaluations will not affect tenured teachers during the first year, and teachers may appeal their evaluation.??

HIRES:?Responding to parent demands, Chicago Public Schools would hire more than 600 teachers specialized in art, music, physical education and foreign languages, among other teacher specialties. More than half of large school districts rehire laid-off teachers,according to The New York Times; the Chicago school board has pushed to leave control to principals.

Those new hires will allow for the longer class day --?which will be seven hours for elementary school students, up from five hours and 45 minutes. Chicago had been known for one of the shortest school days in the country -- a point that became a sticking point for Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Of those new hires, half must be union employees who were previously laid off. (Higher-rated teachers would have a better chance at being rehired,?the Chicago Tribune reported.)

BULLYING:?The contract demands ending bullying by principals and managerial personnel to ?curtail some of the abusive practices that have run rampant in many neighborhood schools.? Principals, however, will continue to exercise power over hiring teachers,?the Tribune reported.

In one instance,?according to CBS Chicago, dozens of complaints were made about a principal at Josiah Pickard Elementary School during his five years on the job. A union representative told CBS Chicago that the volume of complaints was not normal for a principal.

TEXTBOOKS:?Chicago students would have their textbooks on the first day of school instead of having to wait up to six weeks.

The strike may have hurt Mayor Rahm Emanuel?s image as a hard-nosed innovator,?the Chicago Tribune reported, largely because of the mayor?s aggressive statements about teachers ? which he implied after the school board nixed half their pay raise.

Related: Chicago strike: Will teachers union approve proposed contract?

The strike received nationwide attention in part because Chicago is the third-largest school district in the nation and its teachers hadn?t gone on strike for 25 years, since 1987.

But the strike has made headlines also because Emanuel was Obama?s first chief of staff. Obama, whose daughters attended the private University of Chicago Laboratory School (known as the ?Lab school?), campaigned on public school reform and has advocated merit pay.

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"I will not stand by while the children of Chicago are played as pawns in an internal dispute within a union," Emanuel said Sunday in a statement. "This was a strike of choice and now a delay of choice that is wrong for our children."?



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Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season Finale Recap: Kourtney Gives Birth!!

Sunday on the season finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick became parents for a second time. Congrats, kids.

Elsewhere, Bruce was honored for his pre-Kardashian achievements, Khloe followed up with a fertility specialists and Kim decided to freeze her eggs. Nice.

How did it all end? What else went down in La-La land?

We break it all down for you in THG's official +/- recap!

Kourtney Kardashian, Daughter

Bruce Jenner was honored during the U.S. Olympic trials and his decathlon gold medal glory is forever immortalized in a University of Oregon museum. Plus 25.

"Being able to see him around all these people who are so excited and that witnessed what he had accomplished ... it was a really special moment and I will absolutely never forget that." - Bruce's newly-married son Brandon Jenner. Plus 15.

He was also voted Father of the Year by Esquire. A bit of an odd call given that he has six kids by three marriages, but still, hard not to like Bruce-man. Plus 15.

Kris, meanwhile, receives a certificate confirming her “Momager” title. “I’m a Momager people, have a little respect!” she declares. No. Just no. Minus 550.

Khloe gets herself checked out with ultrasounds and other tests so that one day, she can produce a child of her own. Hope that works out for her. Plus 20.

Kim decides to freeze her eggs, because you know, she doesn't want kids now but down the road she may need one or two. We've got nothing. Minus 15.

Kanye West gets grilled by Khloe Kardashian at Kourt's baby shower about whether or not the rapper wants to have children. Spoiler Alert: He does!!! Plus 5.

The time has come. "You're gonna feel a lot skinnier in a couple of hours," says Scott to his baby mama. Jessica Simpson is so jealous right now. Minus 10.

At last. Kourtney delivers Penelope Scotland Disick and she is pretty perfect. Plus 100, and here's hoping her parents always treat her like a princess.

She even won over big brother Mason! Cute overload! Plus 20.

"Why is the baby in that crib, Mommy?" - Mase. Plus 10.

"Her name is sister." - Mase. Plus 5.



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Anti-Japan protests reignite across China on invasion anniversary

BEIJING/TOKYO (Reuters) - Anti-Japan protests reignited across China on Tuesday, forcing Japanese firms in the country to suspend operations, as a crisis over a territorial dispute escalated on the anniversary of Japan's pre-war invasion of its giant neighbor.

Relations between Asia's two biggest economies faltered badly on the anniversary, with emotions running high on the streets and also out at sea where two Japanese activists landed on an island at the centre of the dispute.

China reacted swiftly to the news of the landing, which risked inflaming a situation that already ranks as China's worst outbreak of anti-Japan sentiment in decades. Beijing described the landing as provocative, lodged a complaint with Tokyo and said it reserved the right to "take further action".

"The unlawful landing of the Japanese right-wingers on the Chinese territory of the Diaoyu islands was a gravely provocative action violating Chinese territorial sovereignty," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement.

The dispute over the uninhabited group of islands in the East China Sea -- known as the Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China -- led to a day of anti-Japan protests which Japanese expatriates fear could peak later on Tuesday.

Japanese businesses shut hundreds of stores and plants across China and Japan's embassy in Beijing again came under siege by protesters hurling water bottles, waving Chinese flags, and chanting anti-Japan slogans evoking war-time enmity.

"Wipe out all Japanese dogs," read one banner held aloft by one of thousands of protesters marching on the embassy, which was ringed by riot police standing six rows deep. Japan's foreign ministry said some embassy windows had been smashed.

Rowdy protests, fuelled by Chinese nationalism, sprang up in other major cities including Shanghai, raising the risk they could get out of hand and backfire on Beijing, which has implied tacit approval to them through state media. One Hong Kong newspaper said some protesters in southern Shenzhen had been detained for calling for democracy and human rights.


U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, visiting China to promote stronger Sino-U.S. military ties, again called for calm and restraint. Washington has said it will not take sides, dispute, although it is a strong ally of Japan.

Well-known Japanese firms have been targeted by protesters, with car makers Toyota Motor Corp and Honda Motor Co halting some operations after attacks on their outlets.

Other Japanese companies -- from Mazda and Mitsubishi Motors to Panasonic and Fast Retailing -- also shuttered plants and stores in China, sending Japanese share prices falling and prompting a warning from credit rating agency Fitch that the situation could hurt some auto and tech firms' creditworthiness.

Hitachi Construction Machinery recalled 25 Japanese workers back to Japan because of the unrest.

Mutsuko Takebayashi, a Japanese expatriate housewife living in Shanghai, said she planned to fly home with her family.

"It's possible that Japanese companies will start evacuating families back home and if that happens it'll be too late to book tickets. That's why I'm going back today," she said.

Japanese restaurants, a common target of protesters, barred their doors while many Japanese expatriates stayed home, afraid that Tuesday's anniversary of Japan's 1931 occupation of parts of mainland China could lead to outbreaks of violence.

Tuesday's brief landing by two Japanese nationals on one of the disputed islands, reported by Japan's coast guard, has raised fears of a direct clash in an area being patrolled by ships from both nations.

The activists briefly landed on one of the islands, having paddled up to it in a rubber raft and swum ashore before returning to the boat, Japanese broadcaster NHK said.

A flotilla of around 1,000 Chinese fishing boats is also reported by Chinese and Japanese media to be heading to the area, which contains potentially large gas reserves.

In 2010, a bilateral crisis over the islands erupted after a fishing boat collided with a Japanese Coast Guard vessel.

The Japanese government has set up an information-gathering operation to monitor the movements of the Chinese fishing boats.


The long-standing territorial dispute erupted last week when the Japanese government decided to nationalize some of the islands, buying them from a private Japanese owner.

Political analysts say China also upped the stakes last week when it announced precise boundaries for waters it claims around the islands, a move sure to raise pressure on Beijing to act when it accuses Japanese vessels of violating those boundaries.

The dispute has sent China-exposed Japanese stocks down heavily on the Tokyo stock market, raising concerns about any wider impact on economic and trade ties between the two countries. [ID:nL3E8KH1AS] Platinum prices also fell, partly on the disruption to Japanese car plants in China, traders said. The precious metal is used as an auto catalyst. [ID:nL3E8KI03Z]

China, the world's second-largest economy, and Japan, the third-largest, have total two-way trade of around $345 billion.

There is no talk of Japanese firms withdrawing investment from China but some experts believe anti-Japan sentiment could prompt firms to rethink China investments in the longer term.

"Withdrawal is impossible but the cost of doing business in China clearly has become much higher so that cost calculation should affect (decisions)," said Yoshihide Soeya, director of the Institute of East Asian Studies at Keio University in Tokyo.

Mazda Motor Corp has temporarily halted production at its Nanjing factory, while Mitsubishi Motors Corp said it would also halt operations at one of its China factories on Tuesday. Both have joint ventures in China. Yamaha Motor Co also said it was suspending operations at four plants in China.

Toyota and Honda said arsonists had badly damaged their stores in the eastern port city of Qingdao at the weekend, prompting Toyota to halt operations at some factories in China.

Electronics group Panasonic Corp said it was closing three China factories after two were attacked by mobs and a third, in southeastern Zhuhai, was sabotaged. Japan's Omron Corp halted its automotive parts plant in Guangzhou, southern China, as a precaution.

Japanese supermarket operator Aeon closed all but five of its 35 stores in China on Tuesday, while clothing retailer Fast Retailing shut about a quarter of its 145 Uniqlo stores in mainland China for the day. Building machinery maker Komatsu halted three plants in Shandong province.

(Additional reporting by Kiyoshi Takenaka, Tim Kelly and Linda Sieg in TOKYO, Kazunori Takada, John Ruwitch and Carlos Barria in SHANGHAI, James Pomfret in GUANGZHOU, and Max Duncan and Chris Buckley in BEIJING; Editing by Paul Tait)


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We will send you administrative messages, and email updates regarding your account on LAGbook. We may also send you notices of new Content that has been added to LAGbook when you have subscribed to such notices. In some cases, we may also send you primarily promotional messages. In your account's preferences section, you can choose to opt out of promotional messages and new Content notices. You may opt out of receiving administrative messages by canceling your LAGbook User account. We will not use your Address Book information for our own purposes.

Cookies and Passive Data Collection
LAGbook uses cookie, IP address, and URL information to improve the content of LAGbook bar, the quality of LAGbook servers, and to provide enhanced features to Users, where available. LAGbook uses cookies to save Users' LAGbook IDs, session validators, and on Users' browsers and hard drives, and may use them to provide tailored products and services to those Users, as they become available. IP Addresses also help us to diagnose difficulties with our server, to administer LAGbook, and to otherwise provide LAGbook service to its users. IP addresses may be disclosed to a third party if we believe in good faith that the law or legal process requires it, or to protect the rights or property of LAGbook, its Users or the general public.

Lagbook Service Providers
LAGbook may need to provide your Personal Data to third parties to deliver specific services to you (such as support services). These third parties are required not to disclose your Personal Data and not to use your Personal Data other than to provide the services requested by LAGbook.

Law Enforcement
LAGbook may disclose Personal Data if required by a subpoena or other judicial or administrative order, where required by law, or, at our sole discretion, where we deem necessary to protect the safety of any individual or the general public or to prevent violation of our Terms of Service or the rights of LAGbook or any third party.

Lagbook Affiliates
LAGbook may share some of all of your Personal Data with its affiliates like LAGbook Capital, in which case we will seek to require our affiliates to honor this Data Use Policy.

Change of Ownership
In the event of a change in ownership, or a merger with, acquisition by, or sale of assets to, another entity, we reserve the right to transfer all of LAGbook's User information, including email addresses, to a separate entity. LAGbook will notify Users (via a posting on this site or email (in LAGbook's discretion) of such a transfer, and Users may choose to modify their registration information at that time. This means if you are concerned about your Personal Data migrating to a new owner, you can deactivate your account.

LAGbook uses industry standard security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Although we make good faith efforts to store the information collected by LAGbook in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, LAGbook cannot guarantee complete security. Further, while we work hard to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party "hackers" from illegally obtaining this information. LAGbook does not assume any liability to third parties whose information may be included in your Address Book.

Updating or Removing User Information
Users may, at any time, choose to correct or update the information they have submitted to LAGbook, by going to their account. Users may remove their User information from LAGbook's live database by canceling their account. Even if you update or remove your information from our live database, however, your Personal Data may be retained in our backup files and archives. Registered Users may remove their User information from LAGbook by canceling their account.

No Spam Policy
Our No Spam Policy and Terms of Service prohibit all Users from engaging in any activity involving the sending of email in violation of applicable law. Violations of these policies may result in immediate termination of service and legal action against any spammers. Any unauthorized use of LAGbook computer systems is a violation of the Terms of Service and certain federal and state laws. Such violations may subject the sender and his or her agents to civil and criminal penalties. LAGbook offers email masking and relay when Users choose to communicate with other Users on LAGbook to reduce third party email harvesting and spam. We also encourage Users to choose an email address where they will be comfortable receiving email responses from other LAGbook Users if they choose, at their sole discretion, to upload a profile or classifieds listings on LAGbook.

International Users
By visiting LAGbook and providing LAGbook with data, you acknowledge and agree that due to the international dimension of LAGbook we may use the data collected in the course of our relationship for the purposes identified in this Data Use Policy or in our other communications with you, including the transmission of information outside your resident jurisdiction. In addition, please understand that such data may be stored on servers located in the United States where laws protecting Personal Data may not be as stringent as the laws in your jurisdiction. By providing us with your data, you consent to the transfer of such data.

Revisions to This Policy
LAGbook reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. Notice of any revision, amendment, or modification will be posted on LAGbook, and a User's continued use of LAGbook will signify agreement to such changes.

A Chidi and Chika Nwaogu Production

Funded by LAGbook Capital.
P.O.Box 1337, Festac Town, Lagos-Nigeria or

Terms of Service

There are a few ground rules for participation in LAGbook. Please respect these rules, and each other.

Be civil.

No personal attacks. Do not feel compelled to defend your honor in public.

Stay on topic in Forums.

Please pay attention to the topic of your messages, and check that it still relates to its parent. Off-topic discussion not taken to private email is eligible for removal.

Be kind to newcomers.

Newcomers may be annoying. But lots of valued contributors started out this way, and treating newcomers kindly makes them more likely to turn into the valuable community members we all know and love.
So while you don't have to humor them or suffer them gladly, and it's fine to point out when they make mistakes, point newcomers in the right direction in addition to turning them away from the wrong ones, and be kind to them in the process of correcting their transgressions.

Let sleeping dogs lie.

It's tempting to revisit controversial decisions you do not agree with, but it's rarely productive to do so, since it almost always results in the same heated, lengthy, and time/energy draining discussions leading to the same conclusion that was reached in the last round.
Therefore, for issues already raised, discussed, and decided upon, reopen the discussion only if you have significant new information that would reasonably prompt reconsideration of the original decision.

Ignore spammers.

Spam is a blight upon the face of the net. Nobody likes it. However, it is hard to avoid. Despite our best efforts, you will occasionally see spam on our site. However, don't forget that complaining about spam in public increases noise, but not signal. It may make you feel better, but it doesn't help.

Identify your subject matter.

Not everyone has time reading all forum and wiki postings. To ensure that your message reach the right people at timely manner, identify your subject matter clearly in the subject line. Subjects like a question and problem are not very helpful.

No unsubscribe messages.

Unfortunately, this bears repeating.

No test messages.

Please do not send test messages to the forum. You can, however, create test pages on the Wiki, but please don't forget to delete them after you finish learning.

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Working for Prominent Social Network Inc = Excitement
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LAGbook Inc.

Build tomorrow's leading social network in Africa. Join our fast-paced enviroment while we are still small and fun. Innovation never stops at LAGbookWe are interested in the following indiv iduals:

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PHP Bug Fixer
PHP Engineer
Javascript Whiz
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Analytics Geek
Graphic Designer
Server Administrator
CSS Designer

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