Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Replacement Windows Austin Texas Contractors on Energy-Efficient ...

As Replacement Windows Austin Texas contractors, we get asked a lot of questions about energy efficient windows. In this post, we answer the big question on how exactly can energy efficient windows help lower energy bills.

Q: How can energy efficient windows help lower my energy bills?

To be able to answer this question better, we must first understand how windows behave. Regular windows are primarily designed to facilitate ventilation and to allow as much natural light as possible.

However, these same functions cause the downfall for most windows. Allow us to explain why:

Air Leakage

For the times when natural ventilation is not enough for the blistering Austin summer heat, we turn to air conditioning systems to keep our homes comfortable. The problem is, regular windows are not designed to prevent the outside air from going in.

A steady stream of warm air keeps coming in, leading your air conditioning system to consume more energy in order to keep the temperature at a comfortable constant.

One way energy-efficient windows can help lower cooling and heating costs is by preventing the transference of heat from one side of your window to the other.

Energy-efficient windows are designed to prevent air leakage, so you get a constant indoor ambient temperature. Your AC doesn?t consume excess energy; helping you save on your monthly cooling bills.


Another way energy efficient windows work is by minimizing the amount of heat that is transferred by the heat of the sun. Regular glass does little to filter the heat from the sun?s rays.

The heat then becomes trapped inside your home, increasing the ambient temperature, and forcing the air conditioning system to spend more energy to compensate for the increase in temperature.

Energy-efficient windows are designed to filter out the most amount of radiated heat, so the indoor temperature is lowered.

Choosing Your Contractor

Energy-efficient windows can only be as good as the contractors that install them. Make sure that you hire licensed contractors to get the most out of your windows. All-Tex Home Improvement Services specializes in window replacement projects, installations and repairs. For on-site assessments, quotes, and estimates, call us at (888) 669-1806.


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