Friday, June 15, 2012

Orchestrate Your Loan to Pay off Credit Cards | Ways To Reduce Debt

Article by Personal Finance Guru

Orchestrate Your Loan to Pay off Credit Cards ? Finance ? Debt Management

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Eliminating huge debt can be quite overwhelming as you just don?t know where to start and how to deal with this uphill mountain of debts. As you read the title, you may think that taking a loan to pay off credit cards will undermine your situation more. Yes indeed, just by taking out another loan to pay off your credit cards is not the only solution but is also a part of the solution; you also need to cap the desire to buy on credit. And today, I would like to inspire you with an example of someone I knew and how they orchestrated it and are now debt free. Anderson had a balance of ,000 in credit card debt besides his secured loans and was able to eliminate it in 3 years. This is what he says he did! As the debt was large enough to get a grip on it, he decided to take help from financial consultants who would negotiate his debt with the credit card companies. He was put in a debt management program wherein he had to pay a specified amount every month into an account opened with the settlement company. The settlement company not just helped to negotiate debt after working out this fixed expenses but also helped him establish a monthly budget to prevent him from adding new debt. To put in Anderson?s own words ?It didn?t happen overnight, sheer perseverance to stay focused on the monthly budget and the debt management program brought in that wondrous $ 0.00 balance due on the statement?.You need to research and seek your best fit for your financial struggle. Deciding the right type of credit card loan can help you achieve your goals successfully. You may take a personal loan to pay off your credit card. Using a personal loan, may reduce your debt considerably as many credit card companies charge more interest on the outstanding balance than the interest that you will pay on your unsecured loan. Because when you were previously making minimum payments towards your credit card, it just covered the interest cost and not the principal amount thereby leaving you with no way of eliminating debt. Kelly was able to get an unsecured loan and she has now successfully managed to get debt free. ?It is a roller coaster ride towards debt elimination as it is challenging to walk away from temptation but the joy of not being a slave to your credit card is just unfathomable?, says Kelly. If you are not able to get a personal loan or even if you are getting one, the rate of interest offered is generally high. You can apply for a credit card consolidation loan, just like Melissa. She got a consolidation firm involved who helped her to do all the paper work and sent a letter to all her creditors highlighting her financial difficulty in repaying the debt. The consolidators also mentioned about her willingness to pay her debts but at a reduced rate of interest. Once the creditors agreed, the loan was re-amortized with a new repayment schedule. The consolidators were even successful in reducing some of the costs like late fees and over-limit charges etc. She would make payments to the consolidators, who in turn distributed the payments among her creditors after deducting their services charges. You are not alone in such a situation. You too can get debt free. It is not a quick fix but debt freedom is surely achievable.

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