Friday, August 12, 2011

Develop a guiding principle for the happiness

Grounding is a key component of a happy life. When grounded, means a guiding principle ? a foundation of personal
Integrity, disturb the influences from the outside.

Our philosophy is contained in our values, spiritual beliefs, personal limits and the causes that we support. It reflects our core beliefs about who we are and how we conduct our lives.

The media bombard us with the promise of quick success and glamorous life. Peoplewant to feel happier, successful life. Many tools are very useful for this purpose. But the fact that they have certain "things" is not the reason for achieving happiness and success.

Promises on the basis of goods and fashions not address one of the main causes of dissatisfaction, ie the lack of grounding. Roots adds consistency to our lives ? make a mental compass for our actions and decisions.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote:

"Building today, then strong andsure
With a society and a broad-based;
And ascending and secure
Tomorrow will find its place. "

Without Longfellow "solid, broad-based," we fly from Promises, Promises. Do not stay with an idea ? no matter how useful ? long enough for peace and love that are actually trying to achieve. We will continue to change the channel, do not follow a story line to completion.

Many have said: "If you do not stand for something, stand for something you fall." Our guiding principle is definedwhat we stand for. It prevents us from drawing back and forth with each new situation and the idea. Our basic philosophy is the foundation for the support in a truly happy life.

Ask yourself these five questions:

What are the first major ideas, values ??and causes that contribute to my philosophy of life?

2nd Where are the boundaries that myself from the influences that throw me off track and disturb my peace sign?

What is thirdthe belief that a solid foundation offers in my life?

4th How does my philosophy that a secure basis in the way of my goals?

5 How I build a broader base to build on my dreams for the future and realize peace, love and happiness in the present?

After meditating your thoughts, write your answers in a journal. Return from time to time, and add new insights that you receive.

Your pursuit of happiness can be successfullya life on land. White Eagle wrote: "If you firm on the path that your feet are out, the treasure of life, an endless stream of help and healing and happiness."

Standing firmly in the faith, values ??and purpose is rooted, you can get, consistency and true happiness, a life that many spend too long looking for.


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