Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Precision ERP Bring In SAP Change Management Analyst In ...

Job Title : SAP Change Management Analyst
Company : Precision ERP
City : Montr?al
State : Quebec
Country : CA
Location : Montr?al, QC
Date : 2012-05-28 16:08:43
latitude : 45.508244
longitude : -73.58242
Status Active
Job key fbd497ec9ebda982

Informed at May 28, 2012. Is presently Precision ERP at the period obtaining SAP Change Management Analyst. The position located in the city Montr?al, QC range of Quebec QC.

And therefore the condition of the job is Active. So besure to check out the job classification below and proceed go to the APPLY THE JOB button to progress further.

The summary of job description of SAP Change Management Analyst :

SAP Change Management Analyst Job classification provided by Precision ERP. If you can quick apply this job you only click the Apply the job button at the bottom of this information.
We are seeking a Change Management professional for our Montreal area client This is a contract position for up to 8 months. Requirements: - Strong communication skills in both English and French - Expereince working on SAP business transformation - Excellent project management skills - Excellent organisational change management skills - Manufacturing and production experience...


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