Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spain hopes for online betting windfall

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Egyptians torch Shafiq headquarters as vote triggers violence

CAIRO (Reuters) - Demonstrators furious that Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister made it into the run-off for Egypt's presidential election set ablaze his campaign headquarters on Monday, witnesses said, underscoring the divisive outcome of the country's historic vote.

Former air force commander Ahmed Shafiq, who has described Mubarak as a role model, will face the Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Mursi in the run-off. It is a contest between the two most polarizing and controversial figures in the race.

A group of protesters broke into and vandalized Shafiq's office in the residential district of Dokki before setting it ablaze, the state news agency reported. An official in the fire service confirmed the blaze had been extinguished without causing any casualties.

Several thousand protesters took to the streets across Egypt to demonstrate against the result of the election's first round, which was officially announced on Monday.

Trouble flared in Cairo's Tahrir Square when activists said unknown assailants attacked one such protest. Rocks flew in scenes reminiscent of other spasms of violence during a messy transition from military rule that is due to end when the military hands power to the new president on July 1.

Local media reported the protest had been attacked by unknown "thugs", though the account could not be independently confirmed.

Many analysts had predicted that a Shafiq-Mursi run-off could trigger trouble. The vote marks a ballot box struggle between a symbol of the military-based autocracy of the last six decades and one of the Islamist movements it had oppressed.

The result is deeply disappointing to the activist movement that took to the streets on January 25, 2011, triggering the mass uprising that toppled Mubarak. They had seen other candidates as more representative of their hopes for change.

One of those candidates, Khaled Ali, joined the protest in Tahrir, "(The elections) were neither free or fair," Ali told news channel Al Jazeera Mubasher Misr, adding that Tahrir was the place that had "toppled Mubarak, and would topple Shafiq".

Shafiq has built a sizeable constituency with a law-and-order platform, convincing some he is the man to end 15 months of turbulence. Mursi's supporters believe Mursi and the Brotherhood are the best hope for reforming a corrupt state.

But many Egyptians picked neither and are now left with a wrenching choice between a symbol of the past and an Islamist group that arouses deep suspicions for some.

Mursi topped the poll with 24.3 percent of the vote, followed by Shafiq with 23.3 percent. Turnout was 46 percent, according to the official results.

About half of the first-round votes went to candidates somewhere in the middle ground - from leftist Hamdeen Sabahy, third-placed with 20.4 percent, to moderate Islamist Abdel Moneim Abol Fotouh, with 17.2 percent, and former Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa, with 10.9 percent.


Mahmoud Momen, a 19-year-old student, held aloft a picture of Shafiq with a black X daubed over his face as he took part in a Cairo march against the result.

"Neither Brotherhood or feloul," he said, invoking the word used in Egyptian political slang to refer to politicians who served in the Mubarak administration. "We want someone who represents the square."

Another protester, a 19-year-old student who identified himself as Omar, said the vote had been rigged, triggering an argument with a bystander who disputed the claim.

Similar protests erupted in Alexandria on Egypt's northern Mediterranean coast, and in Port Said, Ismailia and Suez, cities along the Suez Canal east of Cairo.

In Alexandria, some 2,000 protesters marched through the city, tearing up Shafiq and Mursi election posters they encountered along their way.

The protests were fuelled by accusations - denied by the committee overseeing the vote - that there had been serious violations. Abol Fotouh, Sabahy and Moussa filed complaints about the voting, all of which were rejected by the committee.

Earlier, Abol Fotouh alleged the vote had been marred by vote buying and other irregularities. "I reject these results and do not recognize them," said Abol Fotouh, a former Brotherhood member. In a statement, Sabahy also alleged irregularities.

Moussa said earlier that "question marks" hung over the vote. "There were violations, but this should not change our minds on democracy and the necessity of choosing our president."

The Muslim Brotherhood sought to muster a coalition to help Mursi against Shafiq.

The close contest has set both contenders scrambling for support, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, which is trying to draw losing candidates and other political forces into a broad front to prevent a "counter-revolutionary" Shafiq victory.

The ultra-orthodox Salafi Islamist party Al-Nour has said it will now back Mursi, after siding with Abol Fotouh in the first round. The party has the second biggest bloc in parliament after the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party.

Beyond the Islamist movement, it might prove harder for the group to find allies. Secular-minded parties have grown suspicious of the Brotherhood, accusing it of being power hungry and putting a quest for power over principle - charges it denies.

A Brotherhood source, who asked not to be named, said the Islamist group had prepared a menu of options to tempt rival groups and politicians to its side.

These include creating a five-member advisory council to advise the president; assigning the posts of prime minister or vice-president to Abol Fotouh and Sabahy; distributing cabinet posts to other parties; and offering compromises on planned laws and on an assembly tasked with drafting a new constitution.

(Additional reporting by Marwa Awad, Tamim Elyan, Shaimaa Fayed, Dina Zayed, Edmund Blair, Patrick Werr in Cairo and Abdel Rahman Youssef in Alexandria; Writing by Alistair Lyon and Tom Perry; Editing by Mark Heinrich and Eric Beech)

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Common genetic mutation increases sodium retention, blood pressure

Common genetic mutation increases sodium retention, blood pressure [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-May-2012
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Contact: Toni Baker
Georgia Health Sciences University

AUGUSTA, Ga. Nearly 40 percent of the small adrenal tumors that cause big problems with high blood pressure share a genetic mutation that causes patients to retain too much sodium, researchers report.

The study of 47 human, benign adrenal gland tumors also showed a mutation of the gene KCNJ5 is twice as likely to occur in women 71 versus 29 percent as it points to potential new treatments for some patients who don't respond to current hypertension regimens, said Dr. William E. Rainey, Scientific Director of the Adrenal Center at Georgia Health Sciences University.

Addititionally, when scientists put the mutated gene into an adrenal cell, it immediately starts producing the sodium-retaining hormone aldosterone. "We found it turned on a whole series of genes that cause the cell to produce aldosterone," Rainey said.

Typically, KCNJ5 appears to help normalize levels of the sodium-retaining hormone aldosterone by regulating how much potassium is pumped in and out of aldosterone-producing cells on the outer layer of the adrenal glands. Abnormal protein produced by the mutated gene alters the cells' electrical status.

"When this gene has a mutation, the cells lose control and just start producing aldosterone all the time," said Rainey, corresponding author of the study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

"The combination of too much salt and too much of this hormone leads to high blood pressure and tissue damage," said Rainey. He notes that the vast majority of the 311 million Americans consume too much salt, even if they never pick up a salt shaker, because of high content in breads, processed and fast foods and the like. An estimated 33 percent of Americans are hypertensive and an estimated 1 in 10 have adrenal problems as the cause.

A 2011 study led by Yale University and published in the journal Science showed that the tumors had a KCNJ5 mutation. GHSU researchers, along with colleagues at University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor; University of Torino and University of Padova, Italy; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; and Keio University,Tokyo linked the gene to aldosterone production.

Now the GHSU Adrenal Center is moving forward with studies to determine why women with adrenal tumors have more of the mutated gene Rainey suspects it's estrogen-related. They also want to know if any of the dozen potassium channel inhibitors already on the market for heart and other disorders can help these patients as well.

Rainey said the gene mutation is one that occurs after birth when most mutations occur and the cause is unknown. About half the people who produce too much aldosterone have tumors, which tend to affect only one of the 2-by-1-inch glands that sit like hats on top of the two kidneys and surgical removal typically fixes their problem. Unexplained enlargement of both glands likely also has a genetic basis and may be medically managed, Rainey said.

One of the many goals of the GHSU Adrenal Center, one of a handful of multidisciplinary centers in the nation, is to better define genes which can result in whole families being impacted. To date, only three genes are known to contribute to the familial form. Aldosterone excess, by whatever means, also is suspected when people under age 40 become hypertensive for no other obvious reason.

The adrenals are extremly efficient glands, producing three additional hormone groups that help maintain homeostasis including cortisol needed for glucose/carbohydrate metabolism, weak sex steroids that likely are the major source of androgens, or male hormones, in women; and the fight or flight hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. In the event both glands are removed, the vital hormones must be supplemented, Rainey said.

Patients typically come to the GHSU Adrenal Center with unexplained hypertension that isn't responding to traditional therapy. "They are typically on three or four medications and their blood pressure is still not under control," said Dr. Michael A. Edwards, Clinical Director of the Adrenal Center and Chief of the MCG Section of Minimally Invasive and Digestive Diseases Surgery. Computerized tomography done for other reasons can detect over-sized glands or tumors that may be the culprit.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Common genetic mutation increases sodium retention, blood pressure [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-May-2012
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Contact: Toni Baker
Georgia Health Sciences University

AUGUSTA, Ga. Nearly 40 percent of the small adrenal tumors that cause big problems with high blood pressure share a genetic mutation that causes patients to retain too much sodium, researchers report.

The study of 47 human, benign adrenal gland tumors also showed a mutation of the gene KCNJ5 is twice as likely to occur in women 71 versus 29 percent as it points to potential new treatments for some patients who don't respond to current hypertension regimens, said Dr. William E. Rainey, Scientific Director of the Adrenal Center at Georgia Health Sciences University.

Addititionally, when scientists put the mutated gene into an adrenal cell, it immediately starts producing the sodium-retaining hormone aldosterone. "We found it turned on a whole series of genes that cause the cell to produce aldosterone," Rainey said.

Typically, KCNJ5 appears to help normalize levels of the sodium-retaining hormone aldosterone by regulating how much potassium is pumped in and out of aldosterone-producing cells on the outer layer of the adrenal glands. Abnormal protein produced by the mutated gene alters the cells' electrical status.

"When this gene has a mutation, the cells lose control and just start producing aldosterone all the time," said Rainey, corresponding author of the study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.

"The combination of too much salt and too much of this hormone leads to high blood pressure and tissue damage," said Rainey. He notes that the vast majority of the 311 million Americans consume too much salt, even if they never pick up a salt shaker, because of high content in breads, processed and fast foods and the like. An estimated 33 percent of Americans are hypertensive and an estimated 1 in 10 have adrenal problems as the cause.

A 2011 study led by Yale University and published in the journal Science showed that the tumors had a KCNJ5 mutation. GHSU researchers, along with colleagues at University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor; University of Torino and University of Padova, Italy; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; and Keio University,Tokyo linked the gene to aldosterone production.

Now the GHSU Adrenal Center is moving forward with studies to determine why women with adrenal tumors have more of the mutated gene Rainey suspects it's estrogen-related. They also want to know if any of the dozen potassium channel inhibitors already on the market for heart and other disorders can help these patients as well.

Rainey said the gene mutation is one that occurs after birth when most mutations occur and the cause is unknown. About half the people who produce too much aldosterone have tumors, which tend to affect only one of the 2-by-1-inch glands that sit like hats on top of the two kidneys and surgical removal typically fixes their problem. Unexplained enlargement of both glands likely also has a genetic basis and may be medically managed, Rainey said.

One of the many goals of the GHSU Adrenal Center, one of a handful of multidisciplinary centers in the nation, is to better define genes which can result in whole families being impacted. To date, only three genes are known to contribute to the familial form. Aldosterone excess, by whatever means, also is suspected when people under age 40 become hypertensive for no other obvious reason.

The adrenals are extremly efficient glands, producing three additional hormone groups that help maintain homeostasis including cortisol needed for glucose/carbohydrate metabolism, weak sex steroids that likely are the major source of androgens, or male hormones, in women; and the fight or flight hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. In the event both glands are removed, the vital hormones must be supplemented, Rainey said.

Patients typically come to the GHSU Adrenal Center with unexplained hypertension that isn't responding to traditional therapy. "They are typically on three or four medications and their blood pressure is still not under control," said Dr. Michael A. Edwards, Clinical Director of the Adrenal Center and Chief of the MCG Section of Minimally Invasive and Digestive Diseases Surgery. Computerized tomography done for other reasons can detect over-sized glands or tumors that may be the culprit.


For more information, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Content Marketing ? Online and Offline Expertise - Bedford NY Homes

Have you ever thought that you are probably already doing content?marketing ?offline,? with talks and presentations at conferences or?business fairs? The concept of content marketing is nothing new, but?web 2.0 has created unlimited opportunities to publish and spread?content online with the help of the Internet and social media?networks. If you understand the similarities and differences between?content marketing ?on? and ?off?-line, your online marketing strategy?will become much (easier and) more effective.

The main difference between online and offline expertise lies in the?way content is published and distributed, the number of people you can?reach, and the readiness of which people share content. However, there?is more to the difference between online and offline content?marketing. It is worth taking a closer look at the two forms of?content marketing in order to connect the them in the most efficient?and successful way.

Same story, different outcomes

CornerYourMarket2 Content Marketing   Online and Offline ExpertiseEven though the stories and content in online and offline content?marketing often are the same, the methods and the format by which the?content is presented can differ quite strongly; the achieved results?will, accordingly, be diverse. Online content ? such as videos,?articles, comments, graphics ? has the chance of staying visible for a?much longer period of time than offline content. In fact, it can be?fairly difficult to remove content from online media once it has?gained a certain visibility. (This should be kept in mind when?publishing sensitive content.)

In today?s social media world, the number of people who will see your?online content will (quite likely) be much larger than the number of?people you can reach via offline methods, simply due to the?potentially viral mediums social media outlets provide. The people you?reach online will probably also represent a greater variety of people,?as targeting a specific group becomes much more challenging. A misstep?online can therefore have much more drastic consequences than a?similar misstep offline. At the same time, a well-placed contribution?online will have more potential to impact your company than the same?content placed offline.

Although large networks mislead you into seeking the largest number of?people reached, you should consider if these people truly represent?your target group. Then, if so, can they be reached via these?networks? In the end, it is not the number that counts, but if you?have really connected to people interested in you and your business.?Ask yourself: can your target group be reached via Twitter, Facebook?or Google+, or rather LinkedIn? It might be worth looking at smaller?networks, as they may be better suited to reach the right people for?you. This can be compared to offline networking, as many prefer a?small conference over a large business fair, if if it is better suited?to their direct purpose.

Same Goals, Different Approach

sf Content Marketing   Online and Offline ExpertiseThe goals in online and offline content marketing are closely?connected: build a reputation as an expert and connect to people who?can turn into business partners, collaborators and clients. With?online and offline content marketing, it is important to attract the?handful of people that fit with your business ideology, rather than?wasting time investing on an infinite amount of unrelated people. Let?this consideration be part of the decision in which type of content?you use. Rather create content that is helpful to your target audience?than ?fun? stuff that is spread, but does not inspire relevant people?to return to you for information.

With offline networking, target groups can be more easily identified?and reached at conferences and business fairs. Online, this kind of?targeting is more tricky; rather than an introduction at a specific?conference (with a preselected audience), your online networks are?created by building an interested and faithful readership of friends,?followers, ?and fans. Locating and interacting with your right target?group relates to formulating a strong content strategy. ?Online you?must produce continuity and consistency, as well as quality in your?content. Whereas one piece of good content, i.e. a presentation at?conference, can be enough in offline marketing ? you will probably?need more than that to gain the success you are looking for online.

Personality vs. Anonymity

6235678871 b7e7d1aec5 300x199 Content Marketing   Online and Offline ExpertiseAlthough speaking for a company throughout social media might induce a?desired amount of anonymity, you should be aware that personality?plays a big role in reputation. Even if the diction and facts in your?content are perfect, when personality is missing you risk someone else?get the job, as most of us would prefer to work with someone we feel?we ?know? and can trust. In offline content marketing, your?personality is usually part of the picture; you personally speak at a?conference and the best business meetings might have result from the?shared coffee after your talk. Within the anonymity of the Internet,?you have to make sure your personality transcends through the screen.?This might especially be a problem if your company expertise builds on?the expertise of multiple employees, or you choose to have social?media activity run by an external social media manager.

You can achieve great things with your content marketing activities.?Being aware of the differences between online and offline content?marketing and playing them to your own advantage could make the?difference in making the right connections and generating the most?active leads.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Date : 2012-05-28 16:08:43
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Status Active
Job key fbd497ec9ebda982

Informed at May 28, 2012. Is presently Precision ERP at the period obtaining SAP Change Management Analyst. The position located in the city Montr?al, QC range of Quebec QC.

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We are seeking a Change Management professional for our Montreal area client This is a contract position for up to 8 months. Requirements: - Strong communication skills in both English and French - Expereince working on SAP business transformation - Excellent project management skills - Excellent organisational change management skills - Manufacturing and production experience...


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How to Dress for a Formal Wedding as a Female

Dressing in the appropriate attire for a wedding is always a tricky thing. Your No. 1 goal is to not upstage the bride, and then you have to consider the weather elements as well. However, when a wedding invitation specifically calls for "formal" dress code, what's formal to you may not be formal to someone else. When you're looking for the perfect Simple Wedding Dresses to attend a formalHow to Dress As a Wedding GuestDon't let your nervousness about what to wear overrun the joy you have for your friends or family getting married. Finding clothes to wear for a wedding is not complicated, although it might take a trip to the mall or a boutique. If you are usually casual, you might not already have clothes for a formal or semi-formal wedding. Following a few simple tips can help you find something appropriate to wear.


1Search for clues about what the bridal couple is expecting. Wording on the invitation such as "formal" and "black tie optional" can help you determine what they want. Also take into account whether the invitation has a formal or informal style.

2Gather additional information by considering the location. A church wedding is typically more formal than an outdoor wedding. Also take into account whether the reception is indoors or outdoors.

3Pay attention to the time that the wedding takes place. Daytime weddings require less formal clothes than a nighttime wedding. Take into consideration whether an afternoon wedding has a nighttime reception--that still calls for nighttime attire.

4Err toward more formal attire than casual. Although you may be comfortable in business casual clothing, you should not look sloppy. T-shirts, jeans and tennis shoes should always be avoided, regardless of the setting.

5Follow simple rules of etiquette that dictate appropriate attire. For instance, avoid wearing long Simple Wedding Dresses that might make you resemble a bride. Also, consider asking the color of the bridesmaid's dresses, and do not wear that color.How to Dress As a Wedding GuestDon't let your nervousness about what to wear overrun the joy you have for your friends or family getting married. Finding clothes to wear for a wedding is not complicated, although it might take a trip to the mall or a boutique. If you are usually casual, you might not already have clothes for a formal or semi-formal wedding. Following a few simple tips can help you find something appropriate to wear.


1Search for clues about what the bridal couple is expecting. Wording on the invitation such as "formal" and "black tie optional" can help you determine what they want. Also take into account whether the invitation has a formal or informal style.

2Gather additional information by considering the location. A church wedding is typically more formal than an outdoor wedding. Also take into account whether the reception is indoors or outdoors.

3Pay attention to the time that the wedding takes place. Daytime weddings require less formal clothes than a nighttime wedding. Take into consideration whether an afternoon wedding has a nighttime reception--that still calls for nighttime attire.

4Err toward more formal attire than casual. Although you may be comfortable in business casual clothing, you should not look sloppy. T-shirts, jeans and tennis shoes should always be avoided, regardless of the setting.

5Follow simple rules of etiquette that dictate appropriate attire. For instance, avoid wearing long Simple Wedding Dresses that might make you resemble a bride. Also, consider asking the color of the bridesmaid's dresses, and do not wear that color.

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Time is Running Out to register for our next Junior Golf Tournament ?

Saturday, June 2nd & Sunday, June 3rd, GRN is hosting it?s second Junior Golf Tournament at Mill Pond Golf Course in Coram, NY.

The opportunity is there for junior golfers of all skill levels to be part of something big. Since the first few tournaments will be new to the island, the pool of players will be small and manageable. We will have several staff members on location to pay close attention to each golfer and assess their skill level. The 2012 inaugural season will serve as the greatest opportunity to reach the Junior Golf National Championships.

Mill Pond Golf Course in Coram

Global Recreation Network was established in 2011 with one goal in mind, to treat amateurs like professionals and ensure each participant has an experience they will never forget. As with our youth baseball tournament, GRN will have a professional photographer and videographer at all of our junior golf events and will follow each participant throughout the tour. Each golfer will be interviewed that will stream live on the internet and a pre and post tournament story will?also be streamede?on our website. Each player will be treated and feel like a professional golfer.

Click here to register for the June 2-3 tournament at Mill Pond

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Monday, May 28, 2012

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lake of the Pines Real Estate. How Are We Doing? Part 5 ...

said on May 22nd, 2012 filed under: Lake of the Pines, Localism, Market Trends, Neighborhood Profiles, Real Estate Nuts and Bolts


This is the fifth of a five-part analysis of real estate at Lake of the Pines, California.?? In this?fifth analysis, we?re going? to examine the most expensive group of homes at Lake of the Pines, the ?lakefronts.?

We will look first at the lakefronts that sold one year ago (May 23, 2010 through May 22, 2011) as compared to lakefronts that sold during the past 12 months (May 23, 2011 through May 22, 2012).? Then we will look at the lakefronts that are for sale right now, also called the ?actives.?

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 5/23/10 thru 5/22/11?????????? 5/23/11 thru 5/122/12

Number of?lakefronts sold????????????????????????????????9?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 13

Highest?price sold????????????????????????????????????$1,095,000????????????????????????????????????? $915,000

Lowest?price sold??????????????????????????????????????? $450,000????????????????????????????????????? $400,000

Average?price sold????????????????????????????????????? ?$736,702????????????????????????????????????? $598,576

Median?price sold??????????????????????????????????????? $735,000???????????????????????????????????? $625,000

Average? list price???????????????????????????????????????? $773,944??????????????????????????????????? $637,107

%sold price/list price??????????????????? ?????????????????? 95%?????????????????????????????????????????????? 94%

Price/square foot listed???????????????????????????????? $258????????????????????????????????????????????? $227

Price/square foot sold????????????? ????????????????????? $246????????????????????????????????????????????? $212

Average days on market??????????????????????????????????172??????????????????????????????????????????????? 161



The number of lakefront homes sold rose from 9 to 13, or 31%.? The sample, however, ?is too small for this increase to be especially meaningful.?? Better than a poke in the eye, but don?t get too excited, because . . .

Prices fell off a cliff.

Based on average sold price, prices declined 19%

Based on median sold price, prices declined 15%.

Based on price per square foot, prices declined 14%

No way to mince words, spin it in a positive way, squint at it through rose-colored glasses and make it look better.? The lakefront homes at Lake of the Pines are taking a royal beating at the real estate ?marketplace.? No, it?s not that lakefront home prices are being dragged down by foreclosures and short sales.? In the first period, 2010/2011, there was only?1 distressed sale out of 9, and that one sold higher than the other 8? in price per square foot ($285 ?per square foot vs. the?group average of $246 per square foot).? In the second period, there was only 1 distressed sale out of 13, and that property was only slightly below the group average ($202 per square foot vs. $212 per square foot).

No, don?t try to blame the decline on foreclosures and short sales.

Were lakefront homes wildly over-valued and still correcting?

Are buyers still too tight to spend on ?luxury? homes?



Number of Lakefront homes for sale????????????????? ?7

Highest price????????????????????????????????????????????????????$1,549,000

Lowest price????????????????????????????????????????????????????????$799,000

Average price??????????????????????????????????????????????????? $1,076,142

Median price?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? $998,000

Average days on market???????????????????????????????????????? 235

Average price per square foot????????????????????????????? $312


The price per quare foot of the homes on the market today ($312) is almost exactly twice the price per square foot of homes sold in the past 12 months ($161).? Yes, there is 1 home out of the 7 (the most expensive) that is pulling the price per square foot up a bit, but even taking that one out of the sample, the other 6 current actives are way above the average price per square foot of the sold homes.


Based on price per square foot, lakefront homes at Lake of the Pines declined 14-15% during the past two years, and yet based on price per square foot, current sellers are asking almost twice as much for their homes.? Does this give you some idea why lakefront homes are a tough sell right now?





If you enjoyed reading this article, why not subscribe to be notified of the next one?

To find out more about real estate in the Golden Hills of the Sierras, just call Bob at (530-906-1023) or CJ at (530-9064715) or email us at [email?protected] or [email?protected]

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hollande's euro arguments "nonsense": Austria's Fekter

[ [ [['A picture is worth a thousand words', 5]], '', '[Related: Why Facebook bought Instagram: 4 theories]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 9]], '', '[Did you witness the jet crash? Share your story with Yahoo! News]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Dick Clark', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Green Valley Nevada Real Estate: Prime Business Funding

When you've got organizations there are lots of stuff that you should prepare. To create your company run smoothly you will require loan. There are plenty of companies that offers you loans. Among the companies that you can rely on for this type of mortgage is actually Excellent Enterprise Funding.

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Asia stocks mixed after G8 vague on Europe fix

BANGKOK (AP) ? Bargain-hunting helped Asian stock markets edge upward Monday, but gains were limited as investors remained unconvinced that the world's major economies nailed a solution to the European debt crisis following a summit in Washington.

Markets posted only muted gains as traders were kept on edge by worries about the economic future of Greece and whether it would exit the 17-country euro currency union.

A weekend summit in Washington among leaders of the world's most powerful nations provided little in the way of encouragement for investors already nervous about slowing growth in China and fears that turmoil in Europe could hit key export industries.

Leaders of the G-8 countries issued a statement calling for both painful cutbacks and growth-promoting measures to deal with a crisis that threatens the global economy. But actual steps were left up to individual countries to take.

"We saw a very weak statement out of the G-8," said Andrew Sullivan, principal sales trader at Piper Jaffray in Hong Kong. "They probably have gone as far as they can, but the market isn't interested in statements. It's interested in action."

He said the next major market-moving event was likely to be on June 17, when Greeks elect a new government.

At stake is a multibillion euro bailout that Greece urgently needs to stay solvent. International lenders have threatened to cancel the package if Greece fails to follow through on its austerity plans.

But austerity has proven wildly unpopular among voters and led to the downfall of the prior government. Any new government that fails to enact sharp spending cuts risks being cut off from financial help that could hurtle Greece into default and toward a messy exit from the euro.

In any event, sharp selling among key Asian indexes last week presented bargain-hunting opportunities. Japan's Nikkei 225 index came off four-month lows to rise 0.3 percent at 8,636.89. Nishimatsu Construction Co. added 3.9 percent and Mitsubishi Motors Corp. rose 1.4 percent. Camera and medical equipment maker Olympus Corp. rose 1.7 percent.

Australia's S&P/ASX rose 0.2 percent to 4,055.90 as improving commodities prices helped its sizable resource sector. Energy Resources of Australia jumped 4.4 percent and BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company, added 2 percent.

Mainland China's Shanghai Composite Index was 0.3 percent higher at 2,351.06. Benchmarks in Taiwan and India also rose. Singapore was mostly flat.

But Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 0.3 percent at 18,893.53. Indonesia, Thailand and New Zealand benchmarks also fell.

Shares of Hong Kong-listed Ltd. rose 0.2 percent a day after Yahoo Inc. announced it will sell back half of its 40 percent stake in the Chinese e-commerce group. Rising gold prices helped boost Hong Kong-listed Zijin Mining Group 3.7 percent.

Benchmark oil for June delivery was up 43 cents to $91.91 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract fell $1.08 to settle at $91.48 in New York on Friday.

In currency trading, the euro rose to $1.2782 from $1.2737 late Friday in New York. The dollar rose to 79.21 yen from 79.08 yen.

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why Swim Spas Really are a Fun And Soothing Investment ...

Deliver the pool to you with among the fantastic swim spas obtainable around the marketplace. These are also more and more becoming utilized by swimmers as well, who usually appreciate swimming within the ocean but live to far away. With simple delivery choices and simple setup, a spa pool is easy and cost effective as well. Just think about how much more fun your home will probably be.

Combine a relaxing afternoon in a hot tub with the fun and thrilling exercise of the swimming pool, and all inside your own home.
By utilizing an unique and simple to run program of pumps, you will be able to deliver for your pool the optimum quantity of jet streams and water having a minimum of effort.

The currents will help improve your fitness and stamina, making your work out a bigger challenge. There are single zone and double zone designs to select from. The cooler zone will be ideal for physical exercise, while the hotter zone will probably be for relaxing and taking it simple within the present and massaging waters.

If you?re too busy to obtain towards the nearby pool, deliver the pool to you with one of the fantastic swim spas obtainable around the marketplace. They are also more and more being used by swimmers also, who normally enjoy swimming in the ocean but reside to far away.

With simple delivery choices and simple set up, a spa pool is easy and cost effective also. With a lot of measurements, colors and designs to selected from, there will probably be one for you personally. Just consider how much more enjoyable your house will be. Appreciate a party with pals both in and across the pool. Combine a calming afternoon inside a scorching tub with the enjoyable and exciting physical exercise of a swimming pool, and all in your own house.

By using an unique and simple to operate program of pumps, you will be able to provide for your pool the maximum amount of jet streams and h having a minimal of effort. Though available since 1973, now these home swimming and rest pools are more advanced than ever before.

Normally constructed from a quality fiberglass shell, pools also have a long lifetime and you will discover that the strong present will make the pool a joy to sit in. Delivered pre-assembled, they need little effort to set up. You will be enjoying you spa in no time whatsoever.

Decide on your mood. If you would prefer a Jacuzzi, then this scorching tub will probably be perfect for you. Nevertheless, if you are within the mood for an exhilarating swim, then choose that choice instead. A swimming pool does not give you the motion of the water which you receive right here. In the event you are afflicted by high blood pressure or stress, you then will discover that an every day dose of warm spa experience will do wonders for you. Merely unwind and appreciate the enjoyable, warm and pampering waters. Enjoy with friends or utilize it for some every day rest to obtain your day off to a great begin.

If you love exercise and adore to swim then you will love a swim spa. Many athletes appreciate the sea but when on dry land discover it harder to train. Now with it currents, you are able to train and have the simulation of the sea inside your personal home. The currents will assist enhance your fitness and stamina, making your work out a larger problem.

You will find single zone and double zone models to choose from. The single zone designs are made of fiberglass and are great for swimming. They?re fitted as well with seats and jets to massage you.

Select a double zone model, which contain two pools. Maybe you want to swim or would really like to use the scorching tub. The cooler zone will probably be ideal for physical exercise, whilst the warmer zone will be for relaxing and taking it easy within the current and massaging waters. Water treatments have been used for sports activities injuries for many many years. Not only about fun, use the warming waters and massaging currents for treatments also. The benefits of water remedies make the pools fantastic for house treatment as well.

Maybe you may have to function on your muscles or massage your legs after an injury. These pools now may be equipped with state with the artwork technology to monitor a patient?s progress. Swim spas may be fitted with underwater treadmills and so the therapeutic options are many. Should you be looking to get a fun and relaxing way to physical exercise, as well as a scorching tub with soothing and massaging jets, there is no better option.

Get the low down about reasons why a href=? spas/a are thought a great investment right now within our guide to all that you should find out about where to discover cost-effective a href=? spa parts/a

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Visualized: What the new Samsung Series 9 could have looked like


In case you haven't noticed, we've gotten multiple opportunities to talk shop with Samsung executives over the past couple days. After we finished grilling the R&D team on higher-res displays, we sat down with the designers behind the latest Series 9 Ultrabooks, and they surprised us by whipping out a late-stage prototype -- aka, a glimpse at what these laptops might have been, were it not for a little extra hemming and hawing and at least one executive veto. You know what they say: a picture tells a thousand words, and we've got quite a few embedded below for your viewing pleasure. If you're obsessed with minutiae like the keyboard backlighting color, however, follow past the break for more on all those rejected design ideas, and feel free to let us know in the comments which ones you would've preferred.

Continue reading Visualized: What the new Samsung Series 9 could have looked like

Visualized: What the new Samsung Series 9 could have looked like originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 17 May 2012 11:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wal-Mart's 1Q profit up 10.1 percent

NEW YORK (AP) ? Wal-Mart may have gotten its groove back, but an alleged bribery scheme threatens to curtail its progress.

As Wal-Mart reported first-quarter profit on Thursday that beat Wall Street estimates, the world's largest retailer also disclosed that it is expanding an internal probe into alleged bribes at its Mexico unit to include other countries.

Wal-Mart also acknowledged in a government filing that the accusations could hurt the company and that media coverage of the scandal could harm its reputation as a corporate citizen. The company listed possible scenarios that could arise from an investigation, from fines to criminal convictions.

"The company can provide no assurance that these matters will not be material to its business in the future," Wal-Mart said in the filing.

Wal-Mart's disclosures add to a list of developments since the scandal was first reported by the New York Times last month. The paper revealed that the company allegedly failed to notify law enforcement after it found evidence that officials authorized millions of dollars in bribes in Mexico in exchange for speedier building permits and other favors.

Since then, it's been reported that federal authorities in both the U.S. and Mexico are investigating Wal-Mart for potential violations of a law that forbids companies from bribing foreign officials. Investors have filed lawsuits against top Wal-Mart executives. And some shareholders are planning to vote against the re-election of several board members at the company's annual meeting on June 1.

"It makes it messier. There's already a mud pit," said Patty Edwards, a principal at Trutina Financial, an investment management firm. "The mud gets stickier and deeper the more countries you add to it."

Wal-Mart's disclosures come as the company posted better-than-expected first-quarter results. Wal-Mart, based in Bentonville, Ark., earned $3.74 billion, or $1.09 per share, in the quarter ended April 30. That compares with $3.39 billion, or 97 cents per share, in the year-ago period. The latest results beat the $1.04 per share analysts polled by FactSet were expecting.

Wal-Mart's first quarter was boosted by strong results at its namesake U.S. division. The unit turned in its best performance in three years. Customer traffic was up for the second quarter in the row. And its clothing business posted its first sales gain in six years.

The business had been struggling as its core low-income customers had been hard hit by joblessness and other challenges in the down economy. Adding to that, the unit, which accounts for 62 percent of Wal-Mart's total net sales, had made some mistakes in veering away from its "everyday low prices" strategy and getting rid of popular merchandise.

But Wal-Mart last year began adding back 10,000 products and refocused on keeping prices low. As a result, sales at Wal-Mart's U.S. division rose 5.9 percent to $66.34 billion.

Revenue at stores opened at least a year ? considered a key measure of a retailer's health because it excludes the impact from stores that open and close during the year ? rose 2.6 percent in the division. The figure, which beat the 1.4 percent Wall Street estimate, marks the third consecutive quarterly gain for the division after nine straight quarters of declines.

Bill Simon, president of the company's namesake U.S. business, said in a pre-recorded address on Thursday that Wal-Mart's strategy is to give customers a large assortment of products at low prices. "It's a fairly simple concept, but one that's critically important to our customers, particularly in challenging economic times," he said.

The company's U.S. business wasn't the only division that posted strong revenue gains. Overall, net sales, excluding membership fees from Sam's Club, rose 8.6 percent to $112.2 billion. Sales at Sam's Club rose 7.9 percent to $13.85 billion. And Wal-Mart's international business, which accounts for more than a quarter of net sales, posted a 15 percent increase to $32 billion.

Despite the good showing, Wal-Mart executives cautioned that the U.S. economy remains weak. Job security is still the No. 1 concern among Wal-Mart shoppers. Gas prices have come down, but they're still high enough to squeeze customers. And many shoppers, the company said, also continue to buy smaller packages at the end of the month when finances are very tight.

Still, Wal-Mart said that it expects per-share earnings in the second quarter to be in the range of $1.13 per share to $1.18 per share. That's in line with the $1.16 per share analysts expect. The company estimates that its U.S. business will post a gain in revenue at stores opened at least a year of between 1 percent and 3 percent.

"Wal-Mart has been slapped around, but they're coming back fighting," said Edwards, the principal at the investment management firm Trutina. "You have to watch out for them. They've been able to figure things out that will appeal to their core customers, who need them desperately because of the economy."

Shares rose more than 4 percent, or $2.49 per share, to close at $61.68 Thursday.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finding a Health Care Provider for Your Expected Child

Along with buying a crib and thinking of possible baby names, choosing the right Portland health care provider should be at the top of your priorities as well. When it comes to medical care for kids, there are three types of qualified health care providers: pediatric nurse practitioners, family physicians, and pediatricians.

Your search for the proper health care provider should begin well before your baby's due. A good time to begin your search is about three months before the baby is expected. Also, you'll want to be sure you've found someone whose personality and style work well with your own. Here is a description of each possible health care provider for your expected child.

Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

A Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (PNP) has earned a master's degree in nursing. He can perform physical exams on children, take medical histories, make medical diagnoses, provide treatment and counseling, and write prescriptions.

Some parents might be hesitant to bring their child to a PNP because they assume that the PNP is less extensively-trained than other types of health care providers for children. However, these feelings are greatly unwarranted.

Family Physicians

Family physicians train in many areas including pediatrics, internal medicine, orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology. They are qualified to care for patients of all ages, so it's possible for your child to see the same doctor from birth to adulthood. Aside from your children, family physicians can also provide primary care for your whole family.


Pediatricians in Portland Oregon specialize on physical, social and emotional health of children from birth to adolescence. They primarily focus on preventive health care for children. Some pediatricians have additional training in a subspecialty area of medicine like cardiology, hematology, or critical care. These specialists usually have an additional 3 years of training to be board-certified for their subspecialty.

Now that you have an idea of who to approach with your coming child, it's time to select from the hundreds of PNPs, family physicians and pediatricians in Portland Oregon and find out which of them is right for your child. Considering that this will be your child's first doctor, you have to make sure that you're comfortable with the doctor's personality, location, environment and office staff. A prenatal appointment is an excellent opportunity for you to check out all of these things.

Before your prenatal appointment, make a list of questions you would like to ask to help you organize your thoughts. Some doctors even offer group classes for expectant parents to learn about the practice and discuss newborn care. You may find this list of pediatricians Portland ?families trust offices very helpful:

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Las vegas dui attorney Need to have a Specialized SEO Company ...

> Guest Posts, SEO > Las vegas dui attorney Need to have a Specialized SEO Company to develop Your site

16 May

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A good SEO company should supply seo to help you your site ranking on the top. It is a fact of which internet sites depend on seo approaches to come up with a site noticeable. The selection of SEO must have a well-known with efficient internet search engine approaches that will help an online site have more readers along with increase targeted traffic SEO company.

In addition to seo providers, this skilled SEO Company that you pick should also supply website development providers. Keywords and phrases may be the the very first thing to increase visibility on the certain site but an online site poorly designed isn?t as effective in luring buyers. Certainly, SEO approaches might give rise to directing buyers on your site, but any poorly developed site absolutely free themes can never proceed call at your site once more. Website development is just as essential as key phrase optimization. A rightly designed site that?s user-friendly and is also very easy to browse through attracts more buyers to remain evaluating your site. Therefore, ensure that this skilled SEO company that you pick provides efficient website development providers that could give rise to great and bad your web business SEO.

Needless to say, you should get the complete deal to maximise the amount of money that you are spending. You?ll want to ensure that this services will not stop via building your company site searchable but in addition carry on market your site. The web advertising and marketing company that you pick usually supplies providers such as site enlargement, web marketing, promo methods such as pay-per-click along with marketing promotions via social websites systems. Every one of these approaches are widely-used now by many people online marketers to increase site visibility. You should not stop marketing bankruptcy lawyer las vegas site turns into a large ranking because rivalry is not going to stop whenever you reach the major. Each day, a lot more businesses are announced internet and understand what keep up with the rivalry you can find your company sinking slowly.

With the amount skilled SEO companies out there, it is advisable to accurately study companies with the finest providers. Take notice of the providers it is advisable to seek out in selecting a web-based advertising and marketing company.

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