Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In the news (2 Apr 2012) | myBusiness techblog - Singapore SME ...

SMEs to get $200m boost from SPRING Singapore ? The Business Times (31 Mar 2012)

WITH effect from April 1, Spring Singapore will be increasing funding support of an additional $200 million for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Capability Development Programmes. This will likely benefit an additional 1800 SME projects aimed at building up capabilities and restructuring businesses for sustained growth and competitiveness.


Branding can help firms to engage prospective and current employees, not just its consumers ? The Business Times (30 Mar 2012)

According to leading businessmen and consultants speaking at the Singapore Brand Conference 2012, more can be done to promote employer branding and internal branding.

An audience of about 330 businessmen, government officials, as well as branding and marketing professionals, heard how these forms of branding help firms maximise their utilisation of human capital.

Employer branding, or building a credible brand as an employer of choice to prospective employees, is among the top concerns of firms today.


More help for SMEs from EDCs this year: minister ? The Business Times (29 Mar 2012)

SMALL and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can expect more help this year from Enterprise Development Centres (EDCs), which are stepping up engagement efforts as part of the government?s productivity push.

Speaking to an audience of about 250 businessmen at the fourth EDC Conference yesterday, Minister of State for Trade and Industry Teo Ser Luck emphasised the need to help SMEs fully capitalise on grant schemes meant to make them more productive and competitive.


Calling all SMEs? ? The Straits Times (29 Mar 2012)

THE Government wants to expand the reach of its Enterprise Development Centres (EDCs), which dispense free business advice to smaller companies.

The target is for these centres to help a total of 20,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) every year, Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Trade and Industry, said at a conference yesterday.

That will be a significant increase from the 14,200 firms that received productivity and business advice last year.


SMEs? easy access to research, technology ? The Straits TImes (29 Mar 2012)

FOR small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), research and development (R&D) and technology innovation can make a vital difference to their expansion and survival.

Technology can be a powerful tool for SMEs to stand out in an increasingly competitive market, says Mr Fung Mok Wing, director of technology innovation at enterprise development agency Spring Singapore.

?When SMEs adopt technology, for instance by automating a process, it enables them to increase productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction. However, when SMEs leverage on technology innovation, it becomes a differentiator ? which helps to increase revenue, open new markets and enhance a company?s brand image as an innovative and progressive business,? he said.


Unskilled workers will get to stay on longer ? The Straits Times (27 Mar 2012)

FROM July 1, companies will be able to employ unskilled foreign workers for longer.

Now, unskilled Work Permit holders from non-traditional sources ? Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand ? and China can be employed for up to six years.

But this will be extended to 10 years for all sectors, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said in a statement yesterday.

The move is in response to calls by some Members of Parliament during the recent Budget debate, as well as feedback from industries.

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