Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gingrich's New Contract with America Explained -- Don't Be Poor, Sick or Old (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Newt Gingrich , Herman Cain , Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are the current leaders in the Republican race to win the GOP nomination. Republican voters are divided about which horse to back in the race. I'm here to help with by translating politician-speak into English, starting with Newt Gingrich's 21st century Contract With America, a 10-part program. Here are his points.

Repeal Obamacare

Repeal the Obama health care law and replace it with a market driven (profit focused) system. Profit means better care for your kids.

Return to robust job creation

Reduce taxes on corporations, eliminate most taxes on the rich, and saddle the middle class with the burden. That always creates jobs. Get rid of the National Labor Relations Board -- that pesky agency that tries to make sure workers are treated fairly.

Unleash America's full energy production potential

Drill every square inch of land that might have oil or coal under it. Get rid of the EPA. Energy companies have the best interests of the citizens at heart.

Save Medicare and Social Security

Begin privatizing the system so seniors can enjoy the thrill of gambling their savings in the stock market. That always pans out well for small investors.

Balance the budget

Increase revenues while lowering taxes. It's like increasing your income by taking a pay cut. If corporations and rich people don't get taxed but government revenue has to increase, who's left to tax?

Control the border

Turn the southern border into a new-age Berlin Wall. Make it easy to deport people including "gang members" whether they are citizens or not.

Revitalize national security

Write blank checks to defense contractors and build the army up to a size that could conquer the planet in a week. It's peace through superior firepower regardless of cost.

Maximize medical breakthroughs

Deregulate the drug industry. Cripple the FDA and let Big Pharma sell any drug without oversight. Who cares if that new pill makes you grow a third arm?

Reform the judicial branch

Limit the ability of the court system to affect legislation. Republicans hate packing the Supreme Court with sympathetic justices. OK, not really.

Enforce the 10th Amendment

Repeal Roe v. Wade. The window dressing is to give power to the states. What issue do Republicans refer to when they talk about states' rights? Hint: It starts with an A.

I give the "Contract" a down-check.


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