Friday, September 30, 2011

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Autism, Older Parents and Sperm Donation |

The Biological Clock Ticks for Men Too - Ivan Prole
The Biological Clock Ticks for Men Too - Ivan Prole

Aging sperm and eggs may cause miscarriages, fetal deaths and genetic disabilities and may predispose certain children to develop autism.

In 2007, doctors at Kaiser Permanente hospital in California published the results of a study they had conducted into autistic spectrum disorders. They found that the older a parent was, the higher the risk that their child would be diagnosed with autism. The risk was increased for children of parents who were 34 years or older and for every decade of increasing age.

133,114 children were enrolled in the study and of these, 593 had an autistic spectrum disorder, either autism, asperger?s syndrome or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).

The authors wrote:

?The reported prevalence of ASDs has increased significantly during the past few decades, in this same period, the mean age at maternity and paternity has also increased.?

Although it has been known for years that the older a woman is when she conceives the more chance her baby will have disabilities, men were thought to be immune from this same problem. It was thought that men could happily father a child at the age of 70 with no adverse effects to that child.

Now it has been shown that old sperm can cause miscarriages, fetal death and even childhood cancers and auto-immune disorders. This may be a problem for couples embarking on IVF, who are often older because they have been trying to have a baby for several years.

Could Having Older Parents Make A Baby More Susceptible to the Environment?

Perhaps being conceived with older sperm and egg could make a baby genetically susceptible to the environmental toxins around him? Environmental pollution, pesticides, allergies and propensity to adverse reactions to medications could theoretically be a consequence of having poorer quality genes.

Vaccines, Well-Baby Visits and Higher Risk of ASD

The authors wrote:

?Since preliminary analyses showed that the mean number of vaccinations in the first 6 months of life and the mean number of well-child care visits in the second year of life were significantly higher for children with older parents and children with ASDs, we were concerned that differential health care?seeking behavior might confound our results. Thus, these variables were also included as covariates in multivariable models.?

The increase in autism could be because more older parents in the group studied took their babies to well baby checks and gave them more vaccinations than younger parents. It could be a vaccine component causing neurological decline or a combination of that and genes. If old sperm is capable of causing fetal death, maybe old sperm could create a defective immune system that cannot cope with the challenge of being vaccinated?

Autism in Children Linked to Sperm Donor

The theory that some cases of autism may be linked to sperm was strengthened when single woman, Gwenyth Jackaway decided she would like to become a mother and went to a sperm donation clinic. She chose donor X. Her son, Dylan was diagnosed with a type of high functioning autism when he was two years old. At five years old, he could play the piano and knew the Fibonacci sequence but he had difficulties with socialising and had unusual behavior like hand-flapping and toe walking.

Gwenyth discovered, through the website Donor Sibling Registry, that donor X had created six families. Three of the children were diagnosed with autism and one showed signs of autism, leading the women to believe that something about donor X?s sperm was causing the autism.

Many experts believe that autism is genetic but needs an environmental trigger to set it off.

?It's a combination of being genetically vulnerable and then having some kind of social or toxicant exposure that tips you over," said Dr. Gary Goldstein at the Kennedy Krieger Institute.

This raises the question of whether older parents undergoing IVF should opt for younger eggs and sperm as a matter of routine? Should parents who wish to delay parenting to the 30?s bank their eggs and sperm?

A genetic test has been formulated that looks at variations on the X chromosome that may be responsible for some cases of autism, particularly after IVF, but 90% of cases of autism have no known genetic cause, making testing difficult. Perhaps the answer in addition to using younger germ cells, is to test all babies for mitochondrial dysfunction that might predispose them to the environmental triggers that cause autism?


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

On the web Dating Are generally Productive | Kerry Small Business

Somebody who has do not have to to get an individual for truly serious romantic relationship frequently propose that it is painless the truth is. After all there are many of dining establishments and sport clubs but they dont make it possible for most people to so far with someone, lacking stating about looking for an individual for creating a relatives. Now it is practically unreal to satisfy an individual you?d fancy with nor significantly less truly serious intentions. Because of it it apears that for a lot of people today who want so far for marriage and create long-time excellent relationships on-line dating becomes the sole true opportunity. But in the case once you want not just to get pals or have an affair, it?s a fine concept to use a dating website online as badoo. One can find rather lots of people who arrived with all the comparable intentions while you and also desire to find out upcoming husband or spouse. Regrettably, in these days there exists a great number of prejudice related with virtual dating and many people today are in reality frightened so far in the the web. But this is an outstanding misunderstanding. World wide web doesnt vary a lot of from true existence in safety problems. The people today who it is possible to date with in virtuality will be the comparable the truth is. But there is invariably a whole lot more people today in the the web, but it really doesnt provide a whole lot more risks it would mean a whole lot more choices for results. Assume all by yourself: virtual dating is even safer, due to the fact it is possible to not say your true title or handle until finally that you are certain in the individual you achieved. More than that a lot of time passes from you initial date in the the web until your initial true date and it will allow for you to find out one another in reality greater. On the net dating contains a lot of pluses. First of all of al once you use fine dating provider, you have a probability to search for end users in accordance to some large amount of requirements and this will allow for you to not waste time.

Some other really important condition that the web solves is intentions. Any time you meet and like an individual the truth is you understand almost nothing about his intentions. You cant just request if he is truly serious and when he needs to create long-time relationships. But in the web there exists no this type of condition. In all fine dating services you fill in the kind and publish your mission of dating. And that means you have a opportunity date only with people today who, plus you, are going to to create long-time relationships and marry. This saves your time and protectss you from needless disappointments. Some other vital plus of virtual dating could be a large amount in the people today taking component. In true existence you most oftentimes can date only with people today within the town you reside in, and not even with all of them But using the net dating services assist you to date using a lot of people from distinctive towns, nations and in many cases continents. No borders mater using the net. Now it is possible to meet with many people today using the net and meet your ideally suited is now a lot of quicker. So, Now to satisfy a partner for long-time relationships and creating a relatives grew to become a lot of quicker. Online dating with badoo or others will allow for you to get people today with all the comparable wants and in accordance along with your requirements. World wide web delivers you a real opportunity for happu relationships and marriage, just use it!


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10 Of The Most Unhealthy Shows On TV

By Lilit Marcus for

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Drinking, tanning, smoking, unsafe sex...the only thing even close to being healthy about the show is the occasional pasta dish.


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Jersey Shore

Drinking, tanning, smoking, unsafe sex...the only thing even close to being healthy about the show is the occasional pasta dish.



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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Webs Best Words of The Day ? Advertising Your Business for ...

Conducting business on the internet requires effective branding. With millions of Google queries occurring every single day, not even simple profile will do any more. Your customers need to identify with your internet presence if they?re going to pick you out from your rivals.

Online marketing depends upon much more than making your web site stand out. Your label has to cover your total online presence. Meaning every thing ? from fine-tuning the overall tone of your social media remarks to strategising the websites which you ?like? or develop backlink building connections with.

The Evolving Face of Web Advertising

Carry your promotional tea towels marketing into new areas. Your target audience has transformed the way it uses the web.

It was once true that one could just obtain a few links, run a ppc marketing campaign and optimise your web site for a couple of keywords and phrases. You still could ? and should ? do all that. The Web, though, has moved on. It was once the spot people went every time they needed to get anything ? whether that thing had been information and facts, or a product or service, didn?t make a difference. Now it?s a place where people are living.

The web community is simply that ? a real local community. It socialises, it offers recommendations and material concerning anything and everything. Successful web sites have to get in tune and start reaching that online community. Your brand-new online strategy is about how your product fits with the web based world.

What Your Company Must Do to Provide You With Internet Success

Build your current buy to let insurance building individuality and you?ll dominate your part of the web. The newest internet marketing depends upon networking your product.

The online company has become more than a shop front. It?s currently equipped to develop a character, promoting items to its associates and playing a socially active part in the give and acquisition of data.

It?s simple to work out what type of character your merchandise should have. As with any individual that desires to fit in with a community, your company personality can be shaped by the things that you perceive your market to enjoy. Whenever they like a new dvd, your brand tweets about loving it as well. Remember, then, that the website needs to aesthetically and functionally signify the personality that you have developed.

How A Web Site Might Stand for a Character

Whatever you sell, or distribute, the world has to know it and like it before it acquires it. How are you supposed to help make that occur?

The individual elements of your web site will be the things that create your web based personality. What sort of images will you choose? Exactly how are your titles communicated? What kind of approach does your site content possess? It would be worthless, for instance, to give a sincere web site (such as an investment brokerage firm website) a facile tone: just as it would be foolish to try and make a kid?s apparel site seem like a substantial journal.

The way you place all the components together is significant as well. Make certain your site?s colours reference the colours within your logo. Use visual design inside your website that adheres to the essential components of your brand. Keep it straightforward and homogeneous (absolutely no pages outside of the colour palette and graphical concept) and your clients will certainly identify with your site.


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wedding Invitations May Be A Lot More Interesting And Also ...

Your wedding day ceremony is one of the few circumstances when you throw an awesome celebration. It?s a celebration for you to display your hospitality as well as extend friendliness to friends and family. It is additionally a celebration for the family and close friends to have interaction socially and bless the happy couple for the completely happy life in the future. The invite extended to the guests isn?t only a letter of request so that they can come, but a new phase in your relationship with your family and friends and also a restored friendliness and freshness in their acquaintance.

People recognize that a lot of effort is provided towards the planning, choice and circulation of the invite card. The marriage invite is near the top of the to-do list in terms of making wedding day arrangements. Since they are so expected, many people have a tendency to over spend on Wedding Invitation. Even so, with a few components looked after, a lot of money could be conserved. All it takes is superb planning. Here are a number of actions to save cash on wedding invitations.

The first thing on the way to a planned wedding request is making a wedding invitee list. Take a moment with your close family members and also close friends and make up a list of people you wish to invite to your wedding and reception. This makes it easier to discover how many individuals are more likely to turn up and how many cards ought to be bought. Generally it?s best to buy extra cards to deliver to the family and friends who has been unintentionally forgotten while creating this list. However, be aware that the quantity of added cards is not too costly. The best idea is to read through different web pages and look for the online shopping promotions for sale at discount stores and warehouses instead of putting in an order at a specialised stationary store. The stationary retailers can be pricey when you can find a equivalent thing paying even less cash from online stores. Opt for packaged offers. It?ll turn out to be less expensive. Buying wedding invitations as a bundle might be far more convenient than choosing invitation cards, response cards, the envelopes and also other extras separately. With a packaged offer, the cards are simple to pick and more affordable than choosing each from individual sites.

The invitation can just be put together with the copy road map to your venue. You can choose to keep invite cards basic yet elegant to lessen on the cost. The invite cards constructed with imaginative and innovative ideas are usually more attractive compared to cards with jackets and bows. Distinctive wedding invites are actually your best option. For people who are getting wedded overseas then special Boarding Pass Invitations can certainly help to create the atmosphere and integrate the country you are going too. This can even be used if the couple plan to have an night event whenever they get back to celebrate with those friends and family that cannot go overseas along with them.


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Suicide bomber kills 2 in southern Afghanistan

(AP) ? Afghan officials say a suicide attacker has detonated a car bomb outside a police station in southern Afghanistan, killing at least two people.

Helmand province Police Chief Tamaluddin Sherzai says the attacker waited for a police truck to stop at a bread shop just outside the gates of the station in the city of Lashkar Gah and then rammed into the truck, detonating the explosives in the car.

Hospital official Dr. Hinatullah Ghafary says two civilians were killed in Tuesday's blast, and that at least 24 other people were wounded, including eight police officers.

It was not immediately clear whether any police officers were killed.

Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmadi claimed responsibility for the attack.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? The Taliban are rejecting claims that they or any of their allies have ties to the Pakistani government.

The insurgent group says in a statement Tuesday that it has no bases in Pakistan.

The claim runs contrary to U.S. and international assertions that the Taliban retain numerous safe havens and bases in Pakistan's tribal areas, used to stage attacks into neighboring Afghanistan.

The Taliban also reject U.S. charges that the Haqqani network, a key affiliate, has ties to Pakistan's intelligence service. The group says Haqqani network founder Jalaluddin Haqqani is a key member of the Taliban leadership.

The Taliban statement appears to be an attempt to give the Pakistani government some breathing room as Islamabad comes under increasing pressure to take action against insurgents within its borders.

Associated Press


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Monday, September 26, 2011

APNewsBreak: Texas refineries may get back $135M (AP)

PASADENA, Texas ? Three commissioners appointed by Gov. Rick Perry may grant some of the nation's largest refineries a tax refund of more than $135 million ? money Texas' cash-strapped schools and other local governments have been counting on to help pay teachers and provide other public services.

The refund would mean more pain for some communities after a year in which state lawmakers had to grapple with a $27 billion shortfall and slashed spending on public schools by more than $4 billion. Nearly half the refund would be taken from public schools, and those in cities where the refineries are based would be hurt the most.

"We were already cut at the knees as it is, but more cuts? It's appalling," said Patricia Gonzales, a single mother of 13-year-old twins at Park View Intermediate School in Pasadena, a refinery town just south of Houston. Gonzales was just elected president of the school's new parent-teacher organization, which was formed this summer after the state budget cuts left the school lacking everything from pencils to paper towels.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is evaluating 16 requests for the refund, which concerns a piece of pollution-controlling equipment. If granted, the refund total for those requests could add up to more than $135 million, according to county tax data and application documents analyzed by The Associated Press. What's more, agency documents show that if the commission grants the requests, at least 12 other refineries that have not sought a refund also could qualify.

The three-person commission last year expressed some support for the refund, prompting concern the panel is preparing to side with the industry in the middle of a budget crisis.

Should the commission approve the request, it would fall in line with Perry's argument on the GOP presidential campaign trail that by being friendly to business he has attracted businesses and jobs to Texas while other states suffered.

"Gov. Perry appoints individuals who are qualified and willing to serve, and expects they will consider all of the facts and make the appropriate decision," said Lucy Nashed, a spokeswoman for Perry.

The refund request has to do with a piece of technology used by refineries to minimize pollution. Beginning in 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency began requiring refineries to remove sulfur dioxide from diesel and gasoline in an attempt to reduce vehicle pollution. Many refineries had to either upgrade existing "hydrotreater" units or purchase new, more effective equipment.

Valero first asked for the refund for six of its refineries in 2007, and wants payment retroactive to that year. Since then, at least four other companies have joined in and asked for the same retroactive refund.

Valero is arguing that the units should be exempt under a Texas law that says industrial plants don't have to pay taxes on equipment purchased to reduce on-site pollution. The law saves companies millions, and is meant to encourage investment in new technology.

At first, the request was denied. The commission's staff said the hydrotreaters reduce pollution in diesel and gas, not necessarily at the plant. In fact, staff said, the hydrotreaters actually increased sulfur dioxide pollution near the refineries because the toxic gas is now burned off in a flare.

Valero appealed, and the panel's chairman, Bryan Shaw, said last April that the Legislature likely intended a broader interpretation of the law. He instructed his staff to research whether they could award partial exemptions to Valero. Shaw declined to be interviewed for this story, saying it could present a conflict because the issue will be brought before him again.

Valero alone could potentially get a refund of more than $92 million, but spokesman Bill Day said the San Antonio-based company believes the final refund ? if approved ? would be much smaller. He said appraisers will ultimately decide the value of the refinery properties and it's unlikely the numbers will be as high as those the companies noted on the applications they submitted to the commission.

There is no timeline for a ruling. The slow pace of decision-making has left municipalities and school districts in an uncomfortable position in which they collect ? and spend ? money they could be forced to return, acknowledged Susana Hildebrand, a chief engineer at the TCEQ.

"We don't have a statutory deadline, so there's not a legal impetus," she said. "I understand the concern that the taxing authorities have."

Refunding tax money would be yet another hit for counties, cities and school districts that are already cutting corners and improvising to make up for lost funds. Schools alone could be forced to fork over $62.8 million, according to data compiled by the AP.

In smaller, more rural counties ? where property taxes from large industrial complexes provide a big chunk of funding for schools and government services ? the impact could be greater. For example, in Moore County, where a Valero refinery is seeking exemptions on two units, a $15.8 million refund would amount to more than $720 per person.

"If it was a good year and property values were up it wouldn't be so bad," said Hugh Landrom Jr, president of Hugh Landrom and Associates, an engineering firm that does industrial appraisals for Galveston and other counties that are home to large refineries and chemical plants.

"It's compounded by the state budget cuts that are being passed down to everybody," Landrom said.

And because of a complex law aimed at evening the playing field between areas that have large refineries ? and a strong tax base ? and those that don't, all schools in the state would ultimately be impacted if the abatement is approved, though refinery towns would be hurt the most, said David Hodgins, consultant and attorney for the Texas Association of School Administrators.

"The dollars that are lost by these school districts directly affect the children of the employees that help make these companies what they are," Hodgins said.

For Gonzales and other parents in Pasadena, the prospect of the school district having to hand back money is terrifying. Already, the middle school her children attend has laid off eight staff members and is asking for parents to donate money to pay for basketballs, volleyballs and even gloves for the science teachers, Gonzales said.

The mom-turned-activist said she learned about the refineries' requests while lobbying earlier this year to convince Perry and the Legislature to dip into the state's so-called rainy day fund to ease cuts to the schools ? an effort that failed.

Gonzales lives near a miles-long stretch of refineries, where massive pipes and stacks light the night like skyscrapers do in other cities. An intense, burnt chemical scent hangs over the town.

"You smell it. That's what we're known for. Stinkadena because of the refineries," Gonzales said. "There are days when we can't go out because our children's asthma is that bad ... and then they want money back?"

Valero said no one ? not the refinery owners, municipalities, commission or appraisal districts ? knows how much the industry could get if a refund is granted.

"It's not going to be a disaster," said Day, the company spokesman.

"I guarantee you, it's not a surprise to the school districts," he added. "Yes, they spent the money, yes we're asking for an abatement on our pollution control equipment ... but this is really no different than a homeowner appealing their property tax, just on a larger scale."

In the meantime, Gonzales and other parents are planning to sell "$10,000 brownies" ? a gimmick aimed at raising awareness about how much money they would have to raise to make up for the lost refinery funds. The group also plans to boycott gas stations if necessary to fight the request.

"We pay taxes every day. Small businesses pay taxes. Why should big corporations get breaks?" she asked.


Associated Press writer Troy Thibodeaux contributed to this report from New Orleans.


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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Online Education Diploma ? A Booming Sector That Convey You To ...

Are you type of person who likes to work with children? Are you likes to giving coaching and teaching to younger folks? Are you a good communicator particularly with children? For those who answered sure to the questions above, then online education degree will enable you to gain the skills and enhanced you information in education field. Therefore, show you how to to advance your profession working in training fields.

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Reliable and Reputable Online ... - Computer Technology News

The machine that manipulates the data and performs different tasks is known as the computer. When anyone listen the word computer many things appear in his mind as it has become the most important part of the humans? life, despite the fact that it is made and managed by the man itself. Today, people are moving with much faster pace as it was before. Life has become harder too. That?s why the present era is also known as the age of computer. So in order to make efficient use of these machines and making them well organized different computer softwares are introduced. Every one is getting closer and closer to the internet with the help of these softwares. In the present age, anyone who thinks to start a business, first have a complete look that what types of softwares are available for its business and in what way they would be helpful to them. Then they have access to each software and make them available to their business. These softwares minimize their costs and maximize their profits. The different softwares are manufactured for the different fields of the business that are following: ? Bandwidth software ? Medical software ? Hotspot software ? Internet caf software or Cyber cafe software ? Printing software These all softwares are used by the either the small organization or large organizations providing them different advantages that may be following: ? Have an organized record of all their documents. ? Is the best solution to all there problems. ? Helps to achieve them their goals. ? Have an easy access to everyone they want and get interlinked to different people. ? Through this business can have dramatic change in performance, cost, quality and speed. ? Can have a quick response to the changing environment. ? Helps to identify new business core processes. ? Easy to be installed ? These softwares have simple interface that don?t need any proper training. ? Helps the computer to perform different tasks that has first to be performed by the man. ? Have no pricing or very low pricing and can also be installed from the internet online. ? Helps the organizations to use their resources in an efficient way. ? Helps to run the business in the better-quality and advanced way. ? Also helps the organizations to save their time and money. ? Helps in parallel programming and multi-tasking. ? The upgraded softwares make it convenient to perform the tasks faster. ? Can download any of the updates an individual wants. ? The use of the software made the load of work done in few hours that had to take days before. ? Can link different networks with each other easily. ? These softwares are more reliable and easy to be maintained. ? Fulfill the requirements of all types of organizations small, medium or large. Thus, computer softwares have become really important to be used in the present era by different businesses.


The machine that manipulates the data and performs different tasks is known as the computer. When anyone listen the word computer many things appear in his mind as it has become the most important part of the humans? life, despite the fact that it is made and managed by the man itself.

Today, people are moving with much faster pace as it was before. Life has become harder too. That?s why the present era is also known as the age of computer.

So in order to make efficient use of these machines and making them well organized different computer softwares are introduced. Every one is getting closer and closer to the internet with the help of these softwares. In the present age, anyone who thinks to start a business, first have a complete look that what types of softwares are available for its business and in what way they would be helpful to them.

Then they have access to each software and make them available to their business. These softwares minimize their costs and maximize their profits. The different softwares are manufactured for the different fields of the business that are following:

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These all softwares are used by the either the small organization or large organizations providing them different advantages that may be following:

? Have an organized record of all their documents.

? Is the best solution to all there problems.

? Helps to achieve them their goals.

? Have an easy access to everyone they want and get interlinked to different people.

? Through this business can have dramatic change in performance, cost, quality and speed.

? Can have a quick response to the changing environment.

? Helps to identify new business core processes.

? Easy to be installed

? These softwares have simple interface that don?t need any proper training.

? Helps the computer to perform different tasks that has first to be performed by the man.

? Have no pricing or very low pricing and can also be installed from the internet online.

? Helps the organizations to use their resources in an efficient way.

? Helps to run the business in the better-quality and advanced way.

? Also helps the organizations to save their time and money.

? Helps in parallel programming and multi-tasking.

? The upgraded softwares make it convenient to perform the tasks faster.

? Can download any of the updates an individual wants.

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Angelina Jolie Takes Maddox, 10, on a Flying Lesson (omg!)

Up, up and away!

Angelina Jolie treated son Maddox to a taste of the high life when he accompanied her during a flying lesson in Hampshire, England on Friday.

PHOTOS: A look back at the Jolie-Pitt kids

Rocking a grey maxi dress topped with a black jacket, the mom-of-six, 36, flashed a huge grin while her eldest son -- toting an iPad -- strapped into the rear of the plane before takeoff.

PHOTOS: Brad's cutest moments with Maddox

But Maddox, 10, isn't the first kid to join Jolie in the friendly skies. Shiloh, 5, went for a ride in a small aircraft last year in L.A. And In 2008, the star even flew her plane while pregnant with twins Knox and Vivienne, 3.

PHOTOS: Precious shots of Viv and Knox!

The actress -- who received her pilot's license in 2005 -- confessed at the time that her favorite hobby was inspired by her eldest son. "Every time Mad sees a plane, he's amazed," Jolie has said. "If I could actually fly a plane. . . I'll be like Superman to him."

Maddox's dad, Brad Pitt, 47, is currently stateside promoting his new flick Moneyball.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Asbestos Lung Cancer :- Symptoms & Cures

by wisdenwriters on September 24, 2011

Mesothelioma may sound exotic but this is the name of asbestos lung cancer. It is a deadly disease that happens at the outer surface or the lungs. The main reason behind asbestos lung cancer is too much of exposure to the asbestos for a longer period of time. It is a rare type of cancer than happens in one among millions of people. Apart from asbestos it can happen if the person has inhaled certain types of fibrous silicates for quite some time. Mesothelial cells are present around the organs in human body. Different types of mesothelial cells are there and the mesothelial cancer occurs and spread in the layers. Mesothelial cancer is deadly and the treatment is quite challenging for the doctors.

Three different types of mesothelial cellsare there and they are- sacromatoid, biphasic and epitheliod. Among them epitheliod cells are known as the most common type of cancer cells. 70% of the epitheliod cells represent malignant mesothelioma. The cells arrangement is uniform and tubular. Among the other type of mesothelioma cells biphastic cells are upto 30% malignant. Biphastic cells occur when other type of mesothelioma cell are already present in the tumor. Rarely one can see the mesothelioma cells to occur from the benign tumors. There are different ways to treat this disease. The doctors usually opt for surgery initially. Then they combine radiation, chemotherapy and other ways to treat it.

asbestos lung cancer 300x199 Asbestos Lung Cancer :  Symptoms & Cures

Asbestos Lung Cancer

One can face breathing trouble, nausea, chest pain, cough and fever. One must not ignore these symptoms if he or she is exposed to asbestos for some time. The pleural space between the lungs get filled up with accumulated fluid and that is why these troubles happen. Fatigue, anemia and wheezing can also occur sometimes. The symptoms occur a real long time after the asbestos exposure. It can even take a decade or more than that.

Article by Wisden Writers

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On base, 'don't ask, don't tell' demise is cause for celebration

As the highest-ranking member of the U.S. military to come out as gay, retired Rear Adm. Alan S. Steinman had much to celebrate when the repeal of ?don?t ask, don?t tell? became official.

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To mark the occasion, Steinman invited friends to join him for a party at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, near Seattle ? one of just a handful of such observances held on military bases Tuesday to mark the expiration of the military?s policy banning gays from serving openly.

At the conclusion of his speech, Steinman introduced Dallas Powers, his partner of 15 years. Since Powers serves in the U.S. Air Force, Steinman had been forced to keep their relationship a secret, until Tuesday. The announcement was greeted by a spirited round of applause from the group of officers and civilians in attendance, many of whom had been active in the same civil rights campaign.

Gay servicemembers around the country have been celebrating the policy?s demise at off-base parties since it officially expired at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday. Since political events are restricted on bases, Steinman billed his event as a private party to win permission from base commanders at Lewis-McChord to use an officers? club. In keeping with the venue, Steinman's party was considerably more subdued and formal than those that took place off base.

The party attracted a small group of high-ranking, formerly closeted gay officers who, based on their rank, felt particularly vulnerable to being exposed and then discharged under don?t ask, don?t tell.

?I was an admiral, living in a fishbowl,? said Steinman who retired from the U.S. Coast Guard in 1997 ? four years after don?t ask don?t tell was instituted. ?So people who knew who I was, but I didn?t know who they were.?

'There was nothing to find out'
To guard against discovery, Steinman said he remained celibate, refusing to even socialize with other gay men, during the 25 years he served in the military. ?There was no possibility they would find out,? he said of military investigators, ?because there was nothing to find out.?

Lt. Col. Chris Rowzee, an active member of the Air National Guard in Toledo, Ohio, spoke about how her partner was afraid to mow the lawn of the property where the couple lived, and how they both avoided shopping together. During one military deployment, Rowzee went into septic shock, requiring an emergency operation. Since Rowzee?s partner wasn?t listed as a spouse or family member, she only learned of the operation by scanning a list of U.S. casualties.

Lynn Briere, a chief warrant officer in the Coast Guard, said she used code words on email and during phone calls, not wanting to leave clues that she was in a same-sex relationship. ?I even went on dates with guys, just to keep my cover,? she said.

Originally, the party?s guest of honor was to have been Maj. Margaret Witt, who became a central figure in the civil rights battle after being discharged in 2004 following an investigation of her sexual orientation. The federal suit that Witt brought against the Air Force led to the creation of the ?Witt standard,? which required the military to prove its dismissal of servicemember was necessary to ensure ?good order, morale and discipline.?

The case against Witt ? who had an exemplary record during her 17 years in the military -- failed to meet that standard, and Witt?s legal victories led to a May 2011 settlement that will allow her to retire next week with full benefits.

An honor declined
Witt declined Steinman?s invitation, however, saying that returning to the base where her squadron was based would have brought back a flood of memories.

?It?s hard to go through those gates,? she said by phone. ?I was honored to be invited and I admire what Admiral Steinman is doing, but it?s just hard to celebrate this kind of occasion at that base.?

Besides Witt, Steinman invited a wide range of military leaders from the Northwest, but most were either deployed to Afghanistan or out of the region. Their lack of attendance did nothing to dampen Steinman?s enthusiasm, as he said he had no reason to believe it reflected a reluctance by military brass to embrace a new era for gay servicemembers.

Rear Adm. Keith Taylor, commander of the 13th Coast Guard District, sent a senior reserve officer, Capt. Lawrence Henderson, in his place. Henderson, who was the only officer at the party in uniform, pledged the Coast Guard?s ?support? for the repeal of don?t ask, don?t tell. But in keeping with the military?s leeriness of political commentary, Henderson was careful not to offer an opinion of the now-repealed policy, under which some 13,000 servicemembers were discharged.

Steinman?s opinions on the policy have been widely known since he came out in 2003 in a New York Times article, along with two U.S. Army brigadier generals. The three officers said they did so to bring attention to the injustices they observed in the enforcement of don?t ask, don?t tell.

Poll seen as turning point
In Steinman?s view, the real turning point in the civil rights battle came a few years later, as polls revealed that a majority of soldiers who served in Iraq and Afghanistan suspected they were serving with gay servicemembers and had no problem with it.

?That defeats every single argument for keeping don?t ask, don?t tell,? Steinman said. ?Gay troops are already there ? and it?s not a problem.?

In Steinman?s view, gay characters in film and television have helped convince a younger generation of Americans to question whatever prejudices they might have inherited from older generations ? including members of Congress like Reps. Howard ?Buck? McKeon and Joe Wilson, who made a last ditch effort last week to delay the policy?s repeal.

Indeed, of the dozens of younger gay members of the military interviewed for this article, nearly all said that their sexual orientation was known to their fellow servicemembers, as well as to their commanding officers, but wasn?t an issue.

Retired Petty Officer 2nd Class Pablo Monroy said that during his time serving on an aircraft carrier, the USS John C. Stennis, he and his friends made a list of every servicemember they knew was gay. Of the 5,000 crew members on the Stennis, they counted 174 gay women and 132 gay men, he said.

Monroy, a local leader for Servicemembers United and now a sergeant in the National Guard, which has been a forceful advocate for gays serving in the armed services, gave a short speech at Steinman?s party: ?I can finally say, on a military base, for the first time as an active member of the National Guard, ?I?m gay,?? he said to applause.

It was the second party in as many nights for Monroy, who organized a countdown to the end of don?t ask, don?t tell Monday night at a gay bar in Seattle called The Lobby. This was a much less formal affair than Steinman?s party, dominated not by officers but by enlisted servicemembers. Over a din of dance music, a slideshow over the bar showed scantily clad, muscular soldiers posing suggestively with military rifles.

A machinist in the Navy, Adam Owen wore his sailor suit to the event. With the demise of don?t ask, don?t tells just hours away, Owen was able to see new humor in an episode where he got in trouble for boarding his ship absentmindedly wearing a rainbow bracelet ? evidence of his trip to a gay bar the night before.

Tyler Lane had the best tale of culture shock: He had been a fashion student in Los Angeles before he joined the Navy, attracted to the medical benefits and college tuition. Lane attended the Seattle party with Paul Groslouis, who was in denial about his homosexuality when he enlisted, drawn by the prospect of playing clarinet in a Navy band.

Mostly, though, Lane, Groslouis and others at the party said military service appealed to them for the same reasons it does to straight soldiers ? in a word, patriotism. While swearing the oath necessary for membership in the armed forces, Lane recalled a feeling both of awe and self-denial.

?I felt like I was betraying myself by being closeted,? he said. ?But at the same time, I was doing it for a higher purpose.?

? 2011 MSNBC Interactive.? Reprints


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Friday, September 23, 2011

A Succinct Introduction To Argentinian Quiniela | Poker Sport

If you?ve ever visited Argentina, you could have heard of the type of amusement referred to as quiniela. Principally, quiniela happens to be a sort of betting through which someone tries to predict the outcome of a recreation by way of which participants will finish in a specific sequence. For instance, if you are taking part in quiniela de hoy concerning dog racing, you might attempt to figure out which two racers would finish the race in a consecutive order. An instance of this could be predicting which racers might be 3rd and fourth. When you study the way that quiniela de hoy is carried out, you would understand that it makes it really easy for a person to win the overall game, due to the fact that the likelihood of winning happen to be highly tilted to favor the participant.

Unlike many other forms of playing, quiniela and quiniela de hoy are instead lawfully permitted inside Argentina. In actual fact, quiniela de hoy is a program of the Argentinian government, in that the company that works the game is a section of the government. Which means that when you visit Argentina and want to play quiniela, you wouldn?t have to worry about legal consequences since the recreation is lawful.

One other attention-grabbing fact about quiniela de hoy is the fact that the proceeds from the pastime aren?t used for an individual?s personal funds. Generally when you bet at a gambling parlor or another comparable facility, the money that they gather is normally used to enhance the lifestyle of a specific individual, such as the proprietor of the casino. However, for the reason that the quiniela de hoy is run by the Argentinian government, the money that is usually gathered from the game is normally injected into the public by providing funds for infrastructure improvement like educational facilities and health care facilities.

Which means whichever method you look at it, people who play quiniela and quiniela de hoy by no means really get defeated. On one hand, they get to get an opportunity to win an enormous prize. By the way, you should know this. The winnings for quiniela normally runs in the millions, so it offers someone an excellent likelihood to immediately become a millionaire. This is made much more tempting by the fact that the percentages in quiniela are usually slanted towards the particular person laying a bet, so when you play the game you get a very good likelihood of winning.

Even when you don?t end up getting the money of the jackpot, you possibly can be sure that the money you spent in quiniela de hoy will likely be used to fund a meaningful cause. In this sense, the quiniela and quiniela de hoy prove to be playing games which permit someone to do something that they love, but with out an excessive amount of risk and with societal benefit. Getting tickets for quiniela de hoy is normally pretty low cost which means you don?t have to worry about using up an excessive amount of money to enjoy yourself. If you find yourself in Argentina sometimes in the future and have some extra money, try playing the quiniela de hoy. You could possibly end up being a millionaire, and even if you don?t you could make someone else?s life much better.


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Superstar Pores And Skin Treatment ... - Christian Coaches Network

September 22nd, 2011 by susan

with a intent to look and feel and continue to be magnificent, you ought to acquire high quality treatment of the skin. When women and men imagine perfect skin, they routinely photograph all types of celebrities which they admire. But what the vast majority of folks dont know is the fact these celebrities take quite a few time caring for his or her pores and skin each day and thoroughly determine the sort of pores and skin treatment solutions they use. So what are the features of celebrity pores and skin care products and solutions?

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Summary one

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Summary two

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Summary 3

considering utilising superstar pores and skin care goods? this text comprises valuable info on why you very should use these types of solutions and what sets them other than other skin care services.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Arthritis Aid

This article has been viewed 4 times.

If it?s not confined to arthritis relief specifically, it is undoubtedly relevant, and it will assist as a result of it provides us good and relevant complementary information on the subject. I hope very a lot that it?s fascinating to you and all of the others looking for data concerning arthritis relief.

Spine arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, infectious arthritis, and/or juvenile arthritis could also be attributable to years of dangerous movements. Harmful movements lead to irregular joint pressure and cause painful gout arthritis, arthritis in fingers, neck arthritis, and/or foot arthritis for example. Luckily, arthritis diets, arthritis exercise, and/or arthritis remedy have been efficient in arthritis relief. Arthritis analysis, arthritis societies, and arthritis medical doctors have contributed scores of arthritis data to assist this claim.

Retrained arthritis movements, natural diets for arthritis, arthritis info, and/or exercises for arthritis allow arthritis sufferers to watch arthritis pain. Monitoring arthritis ache is advisable by arthritis associations as a strategy to learn more about arthritis, and provide some form of arthritis assist, arthritis ache reduction, and/or arthritis treatment.

Arthritis Remedy

There Is A lot You Can Do Whereas Waiting on an Arthritis Remedy

Sadly, there isn?t any known arthritis cure. Nonetheless, there is much you are able to do to manage your arthritis. Analysis has shown that sufferers of any disease have much less ache and are capable of cope higher after they take an lively function in fighting off the ravages of their illness.

The most important thing you can do is to attempt to preserve a positive outlook. You should never surrender hope that an arthritis remedy will be found. You should at all times stay educated on the latest research and reports. You can subscribe to many newsletters which gives you the newest updates on the search for an arthritis cure. It?s easy to get down emotionally when you might have arthritis. When you don?t really feel properly, it will probably have an effect on each aspect of your life. It is important you acknowledge when you?re having a foul day and also you do things which elevate your spirits.

Kick your ego to the curb and choose up an assistive system if you happen to want one. There is nothing incorrect with having a cane round when you want one. Canes may also help take the pressure and stress off of an inflamed knee or foot.

Attempt to maintain good posture if you can. While good posture may be the very last thing on your thoughts when you have arthritis, it might probably go far in maintaining your ligaments and muscle groups healthy. Who needs to have a pulled back when they are coping with arthritis?

You might need to discover alternative therapy and/or natural dietary supplements. Whereas these ought to by no means be seemed upon as an arthritis remedy, they can do much that will help you preserve your health. You are able to do them in conjunction with your prescription medication. You should also tell your doctor when you are attempting new strategies for arthritis treatment.

One of the most essential issues you are able to do is to rest when you need to. You already know when you?ve got reached your limit. There may be nothing fallacious with sitting down and relaxing. Don?t push yourself past your limits. When you do, it?ll only aggravate your joints.

When you wait for an arthritis cure attempt to preserve a constructive outlook, kick your ego to the curb and keep educated. You may explore different remedy choices for arthritis and incorporate them into the health regimen your doctor has dictated. If you do these items, you?ll be surprised at how significantly better you are feeling, each bodily and mentally.

In case you thirst for additional knowledge with regard to arthritis pain relief, swing by Celtrick J Hylainzr?s internet site in a jiffy.


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Americans freed from prison leave Iran (AP)

TEHRAN, Iran ? Two Americans jailed in Iran as spies left Tehran on Wednesday, closing a high-profile drama with archfoe Washington that brought more than two years of hope then heartbreak for the families as the Islamic Republic's hard-line rulers rejected international calls for their release.

Iran's state news agency IRNA said Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal left Iran just as darkness fell in the capital. An Omani official told The Associated Press the men were flying to the capital, Muscat. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. He did not say how long the two men will stay in the Gulf state before heading home to America.

The case of Bauer and Fattal, who were convicted by an Iranian court of spying for the United States, has deepened strains in the already fraught relationship between Washington and Tehran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who was first to mention last week that the Americans' could be released, is in the United States and is scheduled to speak at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday.

The release came just minutes before President Barack Obama addressed the U.N. General Assembly. There was no direct evidence that Iran timed the American's freedom to overshadow Obama's speech, but Iran has conducted international political stagecraft in the past.

Most famously, Iran waited until just moments after Ronald Reagan's presidential inauguration in January 1981 to free 52 American hostages held for 444 days at the former U.S. Embassy after it was stormed by militants backing Iran's Islamic Revolution. The timing was seen as a way to embarrass ex-President Jimmy Carter for his backing of Iran's former monarch.

Associated Press reporters saw a convoy of vehicles with Swiss and Omani diplomats leaving Evin prison on Wednesday afternoon with Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal inside, heading to Tehran's Mehrabad airport.

Switzerland represents American interests in Iran because the U.S. has no diplomatic relations with Tehran and the prisoners are expected to be flown to Oman now.

The two men, both 29, were driven out of the prison compound just minutes after their Iranian attorney, Masoud Shafiei, said he has completed the paperwork for their release.

"I have finished the job that I had to do as their lawyer," Shafiei said. He obtained signatures of two judges on a bail-for-freedom deal. A $1 million bail ? $500,000 for each one ? was posted.

Police vehicles escorted the convoy of Swiss and Omani vehicles, carrying the two Americans to Mehrabad airport, which was once Tehran's main gateway to the world but is now used for domestic flights. The airport is near the massive Azadi Square, which Iran uses to hold military parades but also was a temporary hub for protesters after Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election in 2009.

Bauer and Fattal were arrested along the Iran-Iraq border in July 2009 and sentenced last month to eight years each in prison. A third American arrested with them, Sarah Shourd, was freed last year on bail.

The London-based rights group Amnesty International called the release of the Americans a "long overdue step."

"Iranian authorities have finally seen sense" and have agreed to release Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International Deputy Director for Middle East and North Africa. "They must now be allowed to leave Iran promptly to be reunited with their families."

The three Americans ? friends from their days at the University of California at Berkeley ? have maintained their innocence and denied the espionage charges against them.

Their families and the U.S. government said they were just hiking in northern Iraq's scenic and relatively peaceful Kurdish region when they may have accidentally strayed over the unmarked border with Iran.

The last direct contact family members had with Bauer and Fattal was in May 2010 when their mothers were permitted a short visit in Tehran.

It was not clear where the two men will be reunited with their families after their release.

Phone messages left for Fattal's mother and brother in Philadelphia were not immediately returned Wednesday.

Since her release last year, Shourd has lived in Oakland, Calif. Bauer, a freelance journalist, grew up in Onamia, Minn., and Fattal, an environmental activist, is from suburban Philadelphia.

Bauer proposed marriage to Shourd while in prison.

After her release last September, Shourd was flown on a private plane to the Omani capital, Muscat.

Last week, Oman again dispatched a plane belonging to the Gulf country's ruler to the Iranian capital to fetch the two men if the freedom-for-bail was reached.

Oman has close ties with both Tehran and Washington and plays a strategic role in the region by sharing control with Iran of the Strait of Hormuz at the mouth of the Persian Gulf, which is the route for 40 percent of the world's oil tanker traffic.

Their case of the three Americans closely parallels that of freelance journalist Roxana Saberi, an Iranian-American who convicted of spying before being released in May 2009. Saberi was sentenced to eight years in prison, but an appeals court reduced that to a two-year suspended sentence and let her return to the U.S.

In May 2009, a French academic, Clotilde Reiss, also was freed after her 10-year sentence on espionage-related charges was commuted.

Last year, Iran freed an Iranian-American businessman, Reza Taghavi, who was held for 29 months for alleged links to a bombing in the southern city of Shiraz, which killed 14 people. Taghavi denied any role in the attack.

The possible release of the two Americans would remove one point of tension between Iran and the United States, but suspicions still exist on both sides and no thaw is in sight.

Washington and European allies worry Iran is using its civilian nuclear program as cover to develop atomic weapons and have urged for even stronger sanctions to pressure Tehran. Iran denies any efforts to make nuclear weapons.

Iran, meanwhile, is deeply concerned about the U.S. military on its borders in Iraq and Afghanistan, and sharply denounces U.S. influence in the Middle East.


Associated Press Writer Saeed El-Nahdy in Muscat, Oman, contributed to this report.


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Create a professional logo that depicts a corporate image about your business to your customers. This will help you build confidence about you among your customers. This promotes the sales of your products. Hiring a professional to design your logo will help you obtain a professional look.

Tagline and image

Creating a catchy and positive tagline along with your logo is an important task. Short and sweet tagline will do a lot. This should portray what you customers can expect and get from you. This leaves the real image of your business among people.

Consistency and legibility

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Unique design

Being unique in logo design and website design is the key to success. As there thousands of business out there alike yours, you should tell people why they should opt you.

Be simple

A simple consistent font will go a long way satisfying your business in terms of real traffic and trustworthiness. Even big businesses tend to use simple plain background with two to three stylish words.

Target customers

Set a goal and work towards your target customers. This will help you to market your brand effectively. Your logo design, colour, texture, slogan and theme should be market oriented. This will be more appealing to your target customers. Fun colours and theme will help you draw more customer attraction.

?Email signature

Market your logo and brand details through bulk mails to customers. This will help you gain awareness about your business to a wider audience. Sending out newsletters with your brand logo will add up to the point.

Blog and website

Branding through social media has got its own significance because of its impact among the people.? This will help you to create awareness and maintain professional image about your brand and hence your business.

Domain name

It is not mandatory that your brand and your domain should have an identical name. But this will help you in obtaining better search engine optimization results. This will allow ease of access to your webpage just by knowing your company name.

If you have suggestions/questions and advice to help other readers, please add them to the comments section.

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